AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor x2 512GB Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 TITAN RTX x2 CUDA 11.3 Samples ./Mandelbrot を表示させてみた

[chibi@rhel8 Mandelbrot]$ ./Mandelbrot
[CUDA Mandelbrot/Julia Set] – Starting…
GPU Device 0: “Turing” with compute capability 7.5

Data initialization done.
Initializing GLUT…
OpenGL window created.
Creating GL texture…
Texture created.
Creating PBO…
PBO created.
Starting GLUT main loop…

Press [s] to toggle between GPU and CPU implementations
Press [j] to toggle between Julia and Mandelbrot sets
Press [r] or [R] to decrease or increase red color channel
Press [g] or [G] to decrease or increase green color channel
Press [b] or [B] to decrease or increase blue color channel
Press [e] to reset
Press [a] or [A] to animate colors
Press [c] or [C] to change colors
Press [d] or [D] to increase or decrease the detail
Press [p] to record main parameters to file params.txt
Press [o] to read main parameters from file params.txt
Left mouse button + drag = move (Mandelbrot or Julia) or animate (Julia)
Press [m] to toggle between move and animate (Julia) for left mouse button
Middle mouse button + drag = Zoom
Right mouse button = Menu
Press [?] to print location and scale
Press [q] to exit

Creating GL texture…
Texture created.
Creating PBO…
PBO created.
Mandelbrot nvidia-smi sudo nvme list sensors

カテゴリー: 2 Sockets, nvidia, rhel8 パーマリンク


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