AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor x2 512GB Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.3 TITAN RTX x2 CUDA 11.3 Samples ./smokeParticlesを表示させてみた

[chibi@rhel8 ~]$ ls
Geekbench-4.4.2-Linux ダウンロード ドキュメント 画像
NVIDIA_CUDA-11.3_Samples テンプレート ビデオ 公開
‘y-cruncher v0.7.8.9507-static’ デスクトップ 音楽
[chibi@rhel8 ~]$ cd NVIDIA_CUDA-11.3_Samples
[chibi@rhel8 NVIDIA_CUDA-11.3_Samples]$ ls
0_Simple 3_Imaging 6_Advanced LICENSE common
1_Utilities 4_Finance 7_CUDALibraries Makefile
2_Graphics 5_Simulations EULA.txt bin
[chibi@rhel8 NVIDIA_CUDA-11.3_Samples]$ cd 5_Simulations
[chibi@rhel8 5_Simulations]$ ls
fluidsGL nbody nbody_screen particles
fluidsGLES nbody_opengles oceanFFT smokeParticles
[chibi@rhel8 5_Simulations]$ cd smokeParticles
[chibi@rhel8 smokeParticles]$ ls
GLSLProgram.cpp SmokeRenderer.h nvQuaternion.h
GLSLProgram.h SmokeRenderer.o nvVector.h
GLSLProgram.o SmokeShaders.cpp particleDemo.cpp
GpuArray.h SmokeShaders.h particleDemo.o
Makefile SmokeShaders.o particles_kernel.cuh
NsightEclipse.xml data particles_kernel_device.cuh
ParticleSystem.cpp doc readme.txt
ParticleSystem.cuh renderbuffer.cpp
ParticleSystem.h framebufferObject.cpp renderbuffer.h
ParticleSystem.o framebufferObject.h renderbuffer.o framebufferObject.o smokeParticles
ParticleSystem_cuda.o nvMath.h
SmokeRenderer.cpp nvMatrix.h
[chibi@rhel8 smokeParticles]$ ./smokeParticles
CUDA Smoke Particles Starting…

NOTE: The CUDA Samples are not meant for performance measurements. Results may vary when GPU Boost is enabled.

Loaded ‘./data/floortile.ppm’, 256 x 256 pixels
GPU Device 0: “Turing” with compute capability 7.5

[chibi@rhel8 smokeParticles]$


カテゴリー: nvidia, rhel8 パーマリンク


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