chibi@2204:~/caffe$ cd python; python --raw_scale 255 ../101_ObjectCategories/panda/image_0002.jpg ../result.npy; cd .. WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0914 13:45:36.161003 8223 gpu_memory.cpp:82] GPUMemory::Manager initialized CPU mode W0914 13:45:36.319764 8223 _caffe.cpp:172] DEPRECATION WARNING - deprecated use of Python interface W0914 13:45:36.319986 8223 _caffe.cpp:173] Use this instead (with the named "weights" parameter): W0914 13:45:36.319996 8223 _caffe.cpp:175] Net('/home/chibi/caffe/python/../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt', 1, weights='/home/chibi/caffe/python/../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel') I0914 13:45:36.320250 8223 net.cpp:86] Initializing net from parameters: name: "CaffeNet" state { phase: TEST level: 0 } layer { name: "data" type: "Input" top: "data" input_param { shape { dim: 10 dim: 3 dim: 227 dim: 227 } } } layer { name: "conv1" type: "Convolution" bottom: "data" top: "conv1" convolution_param { num_output: 96 kernel_size: 11 stride: 4 } } layer { name: "relu1" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv1" top: "conv1" } layer { name: "pool1" type: "Pooling" bottom: "conv1" top: "pool1" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "norm1" type: "LRN" bottom: "pool1" top: "norm1" lrn_param { local_size: 5 alpha: 0.0001 beta: 0.75 } } layer { name: "conv2" type: "Convolution" bottom: "norm1" top: "conv2" convolution_param { num_output: 256 pad: 2 kernel_size: 5 group: 2 } } layer { name: "relu2" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv2" top: "conv2" } layer { name: "pool2" type: "Pooling" bottom: "conv2" top: "pool2" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "norm2" type: "LRN" bottom: "pool2" top: "norm2" lrn_param { local_size: 5 alpha: 0.0001 beta: 0.75 } } layer { name: "conv3" type: "Convolution" bottom: "norm2" top: "conv3" convolution_param { num_output: 384 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 } } layer { name: "relu3" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv3" top: "conv3" } layer { name: "conv4" type: "Convolution" bottom: "conv3" top: "conv4" convolution_param { num_output: 384 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 group: 2 } } layer { name: "relu4" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv4" top: "conv4" } layer { name: "conv5" type: "Convolution" bottom: "conv4" top: "conv5" convolution_param { num_output: 256 pad: 1 kernel_size: 3 group: 2 } } layer { name: "relu5" type: "ReLU" bottom: "conv5" top: "conv5" } layer { name: "pool5" type: "Pooling" bottom: "conv5" top: "pool5" pooling_param { pool: MAX kernel_size: 3 stride: 2 } } layer { name: "fc6" type: "InnerProduct" bottom: "pool5" top: "fc6" inner_product_param { num_output: 4096 } } layer { name: "relu6" type: "ReLU" bottom: "fc6" top: "fc6" } layer { name: "drop6" type: "Dropout" bottom: "fc6" top: "fc6" dropout_param { dropout_ratio: 0.5 } } layer { name: "fc7" type: "InnerProduct" bottom: "fc6" top: "fc7" inner_product_param { num_output: 4096 } } layer { name: "relu7" type: "ReLU" bottom: "fc7" top: "fc7" } layer { name: "drop7" type: "Dropout" bottom: "fc7" top: "fc7" dropout_param { dropout_ratio: 0.5 } } layer { name: "fc8" type: "InnerProduct" bottom: "fc7" top: "fc8" inner_product_param { num_output: 1000 } } layer { name: "prob" type: "Softmax" bottom: "fc8" top: "prob" } I0914 13:45:36.320493 8223 net.cpp:116] Using FLOAT as default forward math type I0914 13:45:36.320500 8223 net.cpp:122] Using FLOAT as default backward math type I0914 13:45:36.320504 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'data' of type 'Input' I0914 13:45:36.320510 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.320523 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer data (0) I0914 13:45:36.320530 8223 net.cpp:547] data -> data I0914 13:45:36.320546 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up data I0914 13:45:36.320551 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 0 'data' 10 3 227 227 (1545870) I0914 13:45:36.320564 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'conv1' of type 'Convolution' I0914 13:45:36.320569 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.320600 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer conv1 (1) I0914 13:45:36.320606 8223 net.cpp:577] conv1 <- data I0914 13:45:36.320613 8223 net.cpp:547] conv1 -> conv1 I0914 13:45:36.320916 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up conv1 I0914 13:45:36.320923 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 1 'conv1' 10 96 55 55 (2904000) I0914 13:45:36.320940 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu1' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.320946 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.320955 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu1 (2) I0914 13:45:36.320958 8223 net.cpp:577] relu1 <- conv1 I0914 13:45:36.320963 8223 net.cpp:532] relu1 -> conv1 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.320968 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu1 I0914 13:45:36.320972 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 2 'relu1' 10 96 55 55 (2904000) I0914 13:45:36.320976 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'pool1' of type 'Pooling' I0914 13:45:36.320981 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.320989 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer pool1 (3) I0914 13:45:36.320993 8223 net.cpp:577] pool1 <- conv1 I0914 13:45:36.320997 8223 net.cpp:547] pool1 -> pool1 I0914 13:45:36.321007 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up pool1 I0914 13:45:36.321012 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 3 'pool1' 10 96 27 27 (699840) I0914 13:45:36.321017 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'norm1' of type 'LRN' I0914 13:45:36.321020 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.321028 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer norm1 (4) I0914 13:45:36.321033 8223 net.cpp:577] norm1 <- pool1 I0914 13:45:36.321036 8223 net.cpp:547] norm1 -> norm1 I0914 13:45:36.321048 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up norm1 I0914 13:45:36.321051 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 4 'norm1' 10 96 27 27 (699840) I0914 13:45:36.321056 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'conv2' of type 'Convolution' I0914 13:45:36.321060 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.321069 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer conv2 (5) I0914 13:45:36.321072 8223 net.cpp:577] conv2 <- norm1 I0914 13:45:36.321077 8223 net.cpp:547] conv2 -> conv2 I0914 13:45:36.323465 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up conv2 I0914 13:45:36.323472 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 5 'conv2' 10 256 27 27 (1866240) I0914 13:45:36.323480 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu2' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.323484 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.323490 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu2 (6) I0914 13:45:36.323494 8223 net.cpp:577] relu2 <- conv2 I0914 13:45:36.323499 8223 net.cpp:532] relu2 -> conv2 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.323504 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu2 I0914 13:45:36.323509 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 6 'relu2' 10 256 27 27 (1866240) I0914 13:45:36.323515 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'pool2' of type 'Pooling' I0914 13:45:36.323519 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.323525 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer pool2 (7) I0914 13:45:36.323530 8223 net.cpp:577] pool2 <- conv2 I0914 13:45:36.323534 8223 net.cpp:547] pool2 -> pool2 I0914 13:45:36.323544 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up pool2 I0914 13:45:36.323549 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 7 'pool2' 10 256 13 13 (432640) I0914 13:45:36.323555 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'norm2' of type 'LRN' I0914 13:45:36.323559 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.323568 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer norm2 (8) I0914 13:45:36.323573 8223 net.cpp:577] norm2 <- pool2 I0914 13:45:36.323577 8223 net.cpp:547] norm2 -> norm2 I0914 13:45:36.323596 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up norm2 I0914 13:45:36.323601 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 8 'norm2' 10 256 13 13 (432640) I0914 13:45:36.323606 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'conv3' of type 'Convolution' I0914 13:45:36.323608 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.323618 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer conv3 (9) I0914 13:45:36.323622 8223 net.cpp:577] conv3 <- norm2 I0914 13:45:36.323625 8223 net.cpp:547] conv3 -> conv3 I0914 13:45:36.330147 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up conv3 I0914 13:45:36.330153 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 9 'conv3' 10 384 13 13 (648960) I0914 13:45:36.330161 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu3' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.330165 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.330170 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu3 (10) I0914 13:45:36.330173 8223 net.cpp:577] relu3 <- conv3 I0914 13:45:36.330178 8223 net.cpp:532] relu3 -> conv3 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.330181 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu3 I0914 13:45:36.330185 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 10 'relu3' 10 384 13 13 (648960) I0914 13:45:36.330189 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'conv4' of type 'Convolution' I0914 13:45:36.330193 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.330201 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer conv4 (11) I0914 13:45:36.330205 8223 net.cpp:577] conv4 <- conv3 I0914 13:45:36.330209 8223 net.cpp:547] conv4 -> conv4 I0914 13:45:36.335188 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up conv4 I0914 13:45:36.335196 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 11 'conv4' 10 384 13 13 (648960) I0914 13:45:36.335201 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu4' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.335206 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.335211 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu4 (12) I0914 13:45:36.335213 8223 net.cpp:577] relu4 <- conv4 I0914 13:45:36.335217 8223 net.cpp:532] relu4 -> conv4 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.335222 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu4 I0914 13:45:36.335225 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 12 'relu4' 10 384 13 13 (648960) I0914 13:45:36.335230 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'conv5' of type 'Convolution' I0914 13:45:36.335233 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.335242 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer conv5 (13) I0914 13:45:36.335245 8223 net.cpp:577] conv5 <- conv4 I0914 13:45:36.335249 8223 net.cpp:547] conv5 -> conv5 I0914 13:45:36.338732 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up conv5 I0914 13:45:36.338737 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 13 'conv5' 10 256 13 13 (432640) I0914 13:45:36.338742 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu5' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.338747 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.338752 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu5 (14) I0914 13:45:36.338755 8223 net.cpp:577] relu5 <- conv5 I0914 13:45:36.338759 8223 net.cpp:532] relu5 -> conv5 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.338763 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu5 I0914 13:45:36.338768 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 14 'relu5' 10 256 13 13 (432640) I0914 13:45:36.338773 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'pool5' of type 'Pooling' I0914 13:45:36.338776 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.338781 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer pool5 (15) I0914 13:45:36.338785 8223 net.cpp:577] pool5 <- conv5 I0914 13:45:36.338789 8223 net.cpp:547] pool5 -> pool5 I0914 13:45:36.338796 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up pool5 I0914 13:45:36.338800 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 15 'pool5' 10 256 6 6 (92160) I0914 13:45:36.338804 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'fc6' of type 'InnerProduct' I0914 13:45:36.338809 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.338829 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer fc6 (16) I0914 13:45:36.338832 8223 net.cpp:577] fc6 <- pool5 I0914 13:45:36.338836 8223 net.cpp:547] fc6 -> fc6 I0914 13:45:36.622373 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up fc6 I0914 13:45:36.622399 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 16 'fc6' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.622414 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu6' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.622419 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.622433 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu6 (17) I0914 13:45:36.622438 8223 net.cpp:577] relu6 <- fc6 I0914 13:45:36.622443 8223 net.cpp:532] relu6 -> fc6 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.622448 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu6 I0914 13:45:36.622452 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 17 'relu6' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.622457 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'drop6' of type 'Dropout' I0914 13:45:36.622460 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.622468 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer drop6 (18) I0914 13:45:36.622473 8223 net.cpp:577] drop6 <- fc6 I0914 13:45:36.622479 8223 net.cpp:532] drop6 -> fc6 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.622485 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up drop6 I0914 13:45:36.622489 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 18 'drop6' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.622493 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'fc7' of type 'InnerProduct' I0914 13:45:36.622498 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.622504 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer fc7 (19) I0914 13:45:36.622509 8223 net.cpp:577] fc7 <- fc6 I0914 13:45:36.622514 8223 net.cpp:547] fc7 -> fc7 I0914 13:45:36.751518 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up fc7 I0914 13:45:36.751531 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 19 'fc7' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.751541 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'relu7' of type 'ReLU' I0914 13:45:36.751545 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.751554 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer relu7 (20) I0914 13:45:36.751557 8223 net.cpp:577] relu7 <- fc7 I0914 13:45:36.751564 8223 net.cpp:532] relu7 -> fc7 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.751569 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up relu7 I0914 13:45:36.751574 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 20 'relu7' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.751578 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'drop7' of type 'Dropout' I0914 13:45:36.751582 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.751587 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer drop7 (21) I0914 13:45:36.751591 8223 net.cpp:577] drop7 <- fc7 I0914 13:45:36.751595 8223 net.cpp:532] drop7 -> fc7 (in-place) I0914 13:45:36.751602 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up drop7 I0914 13:45:36.751606 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 21 'drop7' 10 4096 (40960) I0914 13:45:36.751611 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'fc8' of type 'InnerProduct' I0914 13:45:36.751616 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.751622 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer fc8 (22) I0914 13:45:36.751626 8223 net.cpp:577] fc8 <- fc7 I0914 13:45:36.751631 8223 net.cpp:547] fc8 -> fc8 I0914 13:45:36.781451 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up fc8 I0914 13:45:36.781463 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 22 'fc8' 10 1000 (10000) I0914 13:45:36.781472 8223 layer_factory.hpp:172] Creating layer 'prob' of type 'Softmax' I0914 13:45:36.781477 8223 layer_factory.hpp:184] Layer's types are Ftype:FLOAT Btype:FLOAT Fmath:FLOAT Bmath:FLOAT I0914 13:45:36.781493 8223 net.cpp:205] Created Layer prob (23) I0914 13:45:36.781497 8223 net.cpp:577] prob <- fc8 I0914 13:45:36.781502 8223 net.cpp:547] prob -> prob I0914 13:45:36.781520 8223 net.cpp:265] Setting up prob I0914 13:45:36.781524 8223 net.cpp:272] TEST Top shape for layer 23 'prob' 10 1000 (10000) I0914 13:45:36.781561 8223 net.cpp:343] prob does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781565 8223 net.cpp:343] fc8 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781569 8223 net.cpp:343] drop7 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781574 8223 net.cpp:343] relu7 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781577 8223 net.cpp:343] fc7 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781581 8223 net.cpp:343] drop6 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781585 8223 net.cpp:343] relu6 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781590 8223 net.cpp:343] fc6 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781594 8223 net.cpp:343] pool5 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781599 8223 net.cpp:343] relu5 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781605 8223 net.cpp:343] conv5 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781610 8223 net.cpp:343] relu4 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781613 8223 net.cpp:343] conv4 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781616 8223 net.cpp:343] relu3 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781621 8223 net.cpp:343] conv3 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781625 8223 net.cpp:343] norm2 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781628 8223 net.cpp:343] pool2 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781633 8223 net.cpp:343] relu2 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781638 8223 net.cpp:343] conv2 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781642 8223 net.cpp:343] norm1 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781647 8223 net.cpp:343] pool1 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781651 8223 net.cpp:343] relu1 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781656 8223 net.cpp:343] conv1 does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781661 8223 net.cpp:343] data does not need backward computation. I0914 13:45:36.781664 8223 net.cpp:385] This network produces output prob I0914 13:45:36.781682 8223 net.cpp:408] Top memory (TEST) required for data: 68681400 diff: 68681400 I0914 13:45:36.781685 8223 net.cpp:411] Bottom memory (TEST) required for data: 68641400 diff: 68641400 I0914 13:45:36.781689 8223 net.cpp:414] Shared (in-place) memory (TEST) by data: 26658560 diff: 26658560 I0914 13:45:36.781693 8223 net.cpp:417] Parameters memory (TEST) required for data: 243860896 diff: 42272 I0914 13:45:36.781698 8223 net.cpp:420] Parameters shared memory (TEST) by data: 0 diff: 0 I0914 13:45:36.781703 8223 net.cpp:426] Network initialization done. I0914 13:45:37.079459 8223 upgrade_proto.cpp:43] Attempting to upgrade input file specified using deprecated transformation parameters: /home/chibi/caffe/python/../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel I0914 13:45:37.079491 8223 upgrade_proto.cpp:46] Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated data transformation parameters. W0914 13:45:37.079495 8223 upgrade_proto.cpp:48] Note that future Caffe releases will only support transform_param messages for transformation fields. I0914 13:45:37.079526 8223 upgrade_proto.cpp:52] Attempting to upgrade input file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter: /home/chibi/caffe/python/../models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel I0914 13:45:37.347805 8223 upgrade_proto.cpp:60] Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter I0914 13:45:37.360966 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer data Type:Data #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.360980 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer conv1 Type:Convolution #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.361186 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu1 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.361192 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer pool1 Type:Pooling #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.361195 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer norm1 Type:LRN #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.361199 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer conv2 Type:Convolution #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.363093 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu2 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.363101 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer pool2 Type:Pooling #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.363106 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer norm2 Type:LRN #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.363108 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer conv3 Type:Convolution #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.368438 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu3 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.368446 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer conv4 Type:Convolution #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.372455 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu4 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.372463 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer conv5 Type:Convolution #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.375124 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu5 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.375133 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer pool5 Type:Pooling #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.375136 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer fc6 Type:InnerProduct #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.602057 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu6 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.602067 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer drop6 Type:Dropout #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.602070 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer fc7 Type:InnerProduct #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.703027 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer relu7 Type:ReLU #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.703037 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer drop7 Type:Dropout #blobs=0 I0914 13:45:37.703039 8223 net.cpp:1143] Copying source layer fc8 Type:InnerProduct #blobs=2 I0914 13:45:37.727684 8223 net.cpp:1135] Ignoring source layer loss (10, 3, 227, 227) Loading file: ../101_ObjectCategories/panda/image_0002.jpg Classifying 1 inputs. Done in 0.30 s. Saving results into ../result.npy chibi@2204:~/caffe$ python data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt result.npy #1 | n02510455 giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca | 99.9% #2 | n02105641 Old English sheepdog, bobtail | 0.0% #3 | n02104029 kuvasz | 0.0% chibi@2204:~/caffe$