chibi@leap:~> sudo nvidia-docker run -it --rm /opt/namd/namd-multicore-memopt +p40 +setcpuaffinity +idlepoll /workspace/examples/stmv/stmv_pmecuda.namd Unable to find image '' locally 2.12-171025: Pulling from hpc/namd f6fa9a861b90: Pull complete 2d93875543ec: Pull complete 407421ef3e7e: Pull complete ea9ffec33008: Pull complete c695ce24f66e: Pull complete cb6e6f26f62f: Pull complete 4ca5cacd5888: Pull complete 127359e380ae: Pull complete 09f52fb90f32: Pull complete c8b4fccff7c3: Pull complete a898f5b12168: Pull complete 0c9fa151e12b: Pull complete e9f9e8f970e4: Pull complete 6cb19c6e7375: Pull complete 76db9e80d16b: Pull complete Digest: sha256:c9184f9b071f2197f20a0064ed47f9dc8deac9f007e03d384ecbaad28a754124 Status: Downloaded newer image for Charm++: standalone mode (not using charmrun) Charm++> Running in Multicore mode: 40 threads Charm++> Using recursive bisection (scheme 3) for topology aware partitions Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.8.2 Warning> Randomization of virtual memory (ASLR) is turned on in the kernel, thread migration may not work! Run 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space' as root to disable it, or try running with '+isomalloc_sync'. CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same. Charm++> cpu affinity enabled. Charm++> Running on 1 unique compute nodes (64-way SMP). Charm++> cpu topology info is gathered in 0.003 seconds. Info: Built with CUDA version 9000 Did not find +devices i,j,k,... argument, using all Pe 31 physical rank 31 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 15 physical rank 15 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 28 physical rank 28 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 29 physical rank 29 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 17 physical rank 17 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 25 physical rank 25 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 18 physical rank 18 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 35 physical rank 35 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 19 physical rank 19 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 27 physical rank 27 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 1 physical rank 1 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 33 physical rank 33 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 23 physical rank 23 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 20 physical rank 20 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 26 physical rank 26 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 21 physical rank 21 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 22 physical rank 22 will use CUDA device of pe 24 Pe 12 physical rank 12 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 9 physical rank 9 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 30 physical rank 30 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 10 physical rank 10 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 11 physical rank 11 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 36 physical rank 36 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 0 physical rank 0 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 3 physical rank 3 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 34 physical rank 34 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 14 physical rank 14 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 2 physical rank 2 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 4 physical rank 4 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 7 physical rank 7 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 39 physical rank 39 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 13 physical rank 13 will use CUDA device of pe 16 Pe 6 physical rank 6 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 38 physical rank 38 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 5 physical rank 5 will use CUDA device of pe 8 Pe 37 physical rank 37 will use CUDA device of pe 32 Pe 8 physical rank 8 binding to CUDA device 0 on 5920ad742dc3: 'NVIDIA TITAN RTX' Mem: 24220MB Rev: 7.5 Pe 16 physical rank 16 binding to CUDA device 1 on 5920ad742dc3: 'NVIDIA TITAN RTX' Mem: 24212MB Rev: 7.5 Pe 24 physical rank 24 binding to CUDA device 2 on 5920ad742dc3: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti' Mem: 11019MB Rev: 7.5 Pe 32 physical rank 32 binding to CUDA device 3 on 5920ad742dc3: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti' Mem: 11019MB Rev: 7.5 Info: NAMD 2.12 for Linux-x86_64-multicore-CUDA-memopt Warning: Warning: *** EXPERIMENTAL MEMORY OPTIMIZED VERSION *** Warning: Info: Info: Please visit Info: for updates, documentation, and support information. Info: Info: Please cite Phillips et al., J. Comp. Chem. 26:1781-1802 (2005) Info: in all publications reporting results obtained with NAMD. Info: Info: Based on Charm++/Converse 60800 for multicore-linux64-gcc Info: Built Tue Nov 21 02:03:10 UTC 2017 by on a02d2dbfe66b Info: 1 NAMD 2.12 Linux-x86_64-multicore-CUDA-memopt 40 5920ad742dc3 root Info: Running on 40 processors, 1 nodes, 1 physical nodes. Info: CPU topology information available. Info: Charm++/Converse parallel runtime startup completed at 0.512819 s CkLoopLib is used in SMP with a simple dynamic scheduling (converse-level notification) but not using node-level queue Info: 42.0078 MB of memory in use based on /proc/self/stat Info: Configuration file is /workspace/examples/stmv/stmv_pmecuda.namd Info: Changed directory to /workspace/examples/stmv TCL: Suspending until startup complete. Info: SIMULATION PARAMETERS: Info: TIMESTEP 1 Info: NUMBER OF STEPS 800 Info: STEPS PER CYCLE 20 Info: PERIODIC CELL BASIS 1 216.832 0 0 Info: PERIODIC CELL BASIS 2 0 216.832 0 Info: PERIODIC CELL BASIS 3 0 0 216.832 Info: PERIODIC CELL CENTER 0 0 0 Info: LOAD BALANCER Hybrid Info: LOAD BALANCING STRATEGY New Load Balancers -- DEFAULT Info: LDB PERIOD 4000 steps Info: FIRST LDB TIMESTEP 100 Info: HYBRIDLB GROUP SIZE 512 Info: LAST LDB TIMESTEP -1 Info: LDB BACKGROUND SCALING 1 Info: HOM BACKGROUND SCALING 1 Info: PME BACKGROUND SCALING 1 Info: MAX SELF PARTITIONS 1 Info: MAX PAIR PARTITIONS 1 Info: SELF PARTITION ATOMS 154 Info: SELF2 PARTITION ATOMS 154 Info: PAIR PARTITION ATOMS 318 Info: PAIR2 PARTITION ATOMS 637 Info: MIN ATOMS PER PATCH 40 Info: INITIAL TEMPERATURE 298 Info: CENTER OF MASS MOVING INITIALLY? NO Info: DIELECTRIC 1 Info: EXCLUDE SCALED ONE-FOUR Info: 1-4 ELECTROSTATICS SCALED BY 1 Info: MODIFIED 1-4 VDW PARAMETERS WILL BE USED Info: NO DCD TRAJECTORY OUTPUT Info: NO EXTENDED SYSTEM TRAJECTORY OUTPUT Info: NO VELOCITY DCD OUTPUT Info: NO FORCE DCD OUTPUT Info: OUTPUT FILENAME /workspace/examples/stmv/stmv-output Info: BINARY OUTPUT FILES WILL BE USED Info: NO RESTART FILE Info: SWITCHING ACTIVE Info: SWITCHING ON 10 Info: SWITCHING OFF 12 Info: PAIRLIST DISTANCE 13.5 Info: PAIRLIST SHRINK RATE 0.01 Info: PAIRLIST GROW RATE 0.01 Info: PAIRLIST TRIGGER 0.3 Info: PAIRLISTS PER CYCLE 2 Info: PAIRLISTS ENABLED Info: MARGIN 0.48 Info: HYDROGEN GROUP CUTOFF 2.5 Info: PATCH DIMENSION 16.48 Info: ENERGY OUTPUT STEPS 200 Info: CROSSTERM ENERGY INCLUDED IN DIHEDRAL Info: TIMING OUTPUT STEPS 1 Info: LANGEVIN DYNAMICS ACTIVE Info: LANGEVIN TEMPERATURE 298 Info: LANGEVIN USING BBK INTEGRATOR Info: LANGEVIN DAMPING COEFFICIENT IS 5 INVERSE PS Info: LANGEVIN DYNAMICS NOT APPLIED TO HYDROGENS Info: LANGEVIN PISTON PRESSURE CONTROL ACTIVE Info: TARGET PRESSURE IS 1.01325 BAR Info: OSCILLATION PERIOD IS 200 FS Info: DECAY TIME IS 100 FS Info: PISTON TEMPERATURE IS 298 K Info: PRESSURE CONTROL IS GROUP-BASED Info: INITIAL STRAIN RATE IS 0 0 0 Info: CELL FLUCTUATION IS ISOTROPIC Info: PARTICLE MESH EWALD (PME) ACTIVE Info: PME TOLERANCE 1e-06 Info: PME EWALD COEFFICIENT 0.257952 Info: PME INTERPOLATION ORDER 8 Info: PME GRID DIMENSIONS 108 108 108 Info: PME MAXIMUM GRID SPACING 2.1 Info: FULL ELECTROSTATIC EVALUATION FREQUENCY 4 Info: USING VERLET I (r-RESPA) MTS SCHEME. Info: C1 SPLITTING OF LONG RANGE ELECTROSTATICS Info: PLACING ATOMS IN PATCHES BY HYDROGEN GROUPS Info: RIGID BONDS TO HYDROGEN : ALL Info: ERROR TOLERANCE : 1e-08 Info: MAX ITERATIONS : 100 Info: RIGID WATER USING SETTLE ALGORITHM Info: NONBONDED FORCES EVALUATED EVERY 2 STEPS Info: RANDOM NUMBER SEED 3141 Info: USE HYDROGEN BONDS? NO Info: STRUCTURE FILE stmv.psf.inter Info: PARAMETER file: CHARMM format! Info: PARAMETERS par_all27_prot_na.inp Info: USING ARITHMETIC MEAN TO COMBINE L-J SIGMA PARAMETERS Info: BINARY COORDINATES stmv.coor Info: SUMMARY OF PARAMETERS: Info: 250 BONDS Info: 622 ANGLES Info: 1049 DIHEDRAL Info: 73 IMPROPER Info: 0 CROSSTERM Info: 130 VDW Info: 0 VDW_PAIRS Info: 0 NBTHOLE_PAIRS Info: TIME FOR READING PSF FILE: 0.00492001 Info: Info: Entering startup at 0.541537 s, 86.1992 MB of memory in use Info: Startup phase 0 took 0.00012207 s, 86.1992 MB of memory in use Warning: an empty exclusion signature with index 709! Info: Startup phase 1 took 0.000483036 s, 86.1992 MB of memory in use Info: NONBONDED TABLE R-SQUARED SPACING: 0.0625 Info: NONBONDED TABLE SIZE: 769 POINTS Info: INCONSISTENCY IN FAST TABLE ENERGY VS FORCE: 0.000325096 AT 11.9556 Info: INCONSISTENCY IN SCOR TABLE ENERGY VS FORCE: 0.000324844 AT 11.9556 Info: INCONSISTENCY IN VDWA TABLE ENERGY VS FORCE: 0.0040507 AT 0.251946 Info: INCONSISTENCY IN VDWB TABLE ENERGY VS FORCE: 0.00150189 AT 0.251946 Info: Running with 2 input processors. Info: Running with 1 output processors (1 of them will output simultaneously). Info: INPUT PROC LOCATIONS: 8 16 Info: OUTPUT PROC LOCATIONS: 32 Info: Startup phase 2 took 0.00913882 s, 241.809 MB of memory in use Info: Startup phase 3 took 0.0831141 s, 245.238 MB of memory in use Info: PATCH GRID IS 13 (PERIODIC) BY 13 (PERIODIC) BY 13 (PERIODIC) Info: PATCH GRID IS 1-AWAY BY 1-AWAY BY 1-AWAY Info: LOADED 1810196 TOTAL EXCLUSIONS Info: REMOVING COM VELOCITY -0.00436736 -0.0116608 0.0017952 Info: Startup phase 4 took 0.02514 s, 559.445 MB of memory in use Info: **************************** Info: STRUCTURE SUMMARY: Info: 1066628 ATOMS Info: 769956 BONDS Info: 605872 ANGLES Info: 450875 DIHEDRALS Info: 24578 IMPROPERS Info: 0 CROSSTERMS Info: 0 EXCLUSIONS Info: 977416 RIGID BONDS Info: 2222468 DEGREES OF FREEDOM Info: 389067 HYDROGEN GROUPS Info: 4 ATOMS IN LARGEST HYDROGEN GROUP Info: 389067 MIGRATION GROUPS Info: 4 ATOMS IN LARGEST MIGRATION GROUP Info: TOTAL MASS = 6.69877e+06 amu Info: TOTAL CHARGE = 0.000168104 e Info: MASS DENSITY = 1.09115 g/cm^3 Info: ATOM DENSITY = 0.104627 atoms/A^3 Info: ***************************** Info: LARGEST PATCH (1044) HAS 541 ATOMS Info: Startup phase 5 took 0.0658379 s, 565.633 MB of memory in use Info: TORUS A SIZE 1 USING 0 Info: TORUS B SIZE 1 USING 0 Info: TORUS C SIZE 1 USING 0 Info: TORUS MINIMAL MESH SIZE IS 1 BY 1 BY 1 Info: Placed 100% of base nodes on same physical node as patch Info: Startup phase 6 took 0.00637794 s, 572.91 MB of memory in use Info: PME using 1 x 1 x 1 pencil grid for FFT and reciprocal sum. Info: Updated CUDA force table with 4096 elements. Info: Updated CUDA LJ table with 130 x 130 elements. Info: Updated CUDA force table with 4096 elements. Info: Updated CUDA LJ table with 130 x 130 elements. Info: Updated CUDA force table with 4096 elements. Info: Updated CUDA LJ table with 130 x 130 elements. Info: Updated CUDA force table with 4096 elements. Info: Updated CUDA LJ table with 130 x 130 elements. Info: Startup phase 7 took 4.42368 s, 1613.09 MB of memory in use Info: Startup phase 8 took 0.00953007 s, 1615.27 MB of memory in use LDB: Hybrid LB being created... HybridBaseLB: ThreeLevelTree is created. Info: Startup phase 9 took 0.00238085 s, 1615.27 MB of memory in use Info: CREATING 46457 COMPUTE OBJECTS Info: Found 333 unique exclusion lists needing 1076 bytes Info: Found 333 unique exclusion lists needing 1076 bytes Info: Found 333 unique exclusion lists needing 1076 bytes Info: Found 333 unique exclusion lists needing 1076 bytes Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 Info: Startup phase 10 took 0.093358 s, 1656.22 MB of memory in use Info: Startup phase 11 took 0.000167131 s, 1656.22 MB of memory in use Info: Startup phase 12 took 0.00476003 s, 1663.3 MB of memory in use Info: Finished startup at 5.26563 s, 1663.3 MB of memory in use ETITLE: TS BOND ANGLE DIHED IMPRP ELECT VDW BOUNDARY MISC KINETIC TOTAL TEMP POTENTIAL TOTAL3 TEMPAVG PRESSURE GPRESSURE VOLUME PRESSAVG GPRESSAVG ENERGY: 0 37737.1346 105740.7991 81950.2881 4986.4949 -4134769.7820 375589.2239 0.0000 0.0000 657466.6567 -2871299.1847 297.7341 -3528765.8415 -2869829.7710 297.7341 -17649.5862 2333.7514 10194598.5131 -17649.5862 2333.7514 TIMING: 1 CPU: 0.451123, 0.015965/step Wall: 0.487176, 0.015157/step, 0.00336401 hours remaining, 2700.402344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 2 CPU: 0.467121, 0.015998/step Wall: 0.503331, 0.016155/step, 0.00358103 hours remaining, 2700.402344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 3 CPU: 0.482562, 0.015441/step Wall: 0.52291, 0.0195789/step, 0.00433456 hours remaining, 2705.835938 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 4 CPU: 0.529629, 0.047067/step Wall: 0.615117, 0.092207/step, 0.020388 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 5 CPU: 0.54555, 0.015921/step Wall: 0.631334, 0.016217/step, 0.00358125 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 6 CPU: 0.561466, 0.015916/step Wall: 0.647976, 0.0166421/step, 0.00367051 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 7 CPU: 0.577417, 0.015951/step Wall: 0.662877, 0.0149009/step, 0.00328234 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 8 CPU: 0.609365, 0.031948/step Wall: 0.696581, 0.033704/step, 0.00741489 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 9 CPU: 0.625316, 0.015951/step Wall: 0.710514, 0.0139329/step, 0.00306138 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 10 CPU: 0.641324, 0.016008/step Wall: 0.728637, 0.0181231/step, 0.00397702 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 11 CPU: 0.657273, 0.015949/step Wall: 0.7445, 0.0158629/step, 0.00347663 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 12 CPU: 0.68922, 0.031947/step Wall: 0.777243, 0.032743/step, 0.00716707 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 13 CPU: 0.705171, 0.015951/step Wall: 0.791003, 0.0137601/step, 0.00300811 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 14 CPU: 0.72117, 0.015999/step Wall: 0.809447, 0.0184438/step, 0.0040269 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 15 CPU: 0.737116, 0.015946/step Wall: 0.824465, 0.0150182/step, 0.00327481 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 16 CPU: 0.772982, 0.035866/step Wall: 0.857913, 0.033448/step, 0.00728423 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 17 CPU: 0.78496, 0.011978/step Wall: 0.871627, 0.0137138/step, 0.00298276 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 18 CPU: 0.804927, 0.019967/step Wall: 0.890399, 0.0187721/step, 0.00407772 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 19 CPU: 0.812939, 0.008012/step Wall: 0.901135, 0.010736/step, 0.00232911 hours remaining, 2742.648438 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 6.07048 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 6.07121 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 6.07206 TIMING: 20 CPU: 0.900775, 0.087836/step Wall: 0.986364, 0.0852289/step, 0.0184663 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 21 CPU: 0.916762, 0.015987/step Wall: 1.00213, 0.015763/step, 0.00341095 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 22 CPU: 0.932698, 0.015936/step Wall: 1.01858, 0.0164559/step, 0.0035563 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 23 CPU: 0.944681, 0.011983/step Wall: 1.03355, 0.014966/step, 0.00323016 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 24 CPU: 0.980623, 0.035942/step Wall: 1.06771, 0.0341592/step, 0.0073632 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 25 CPU: 0.996615, 0.015992/step Wall: 1.08177, 0.014066/step, 0.00302809 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 26 CPU: 1.01257, 0.015953/step Wall: 1.09967, 0.017899/step, 0.00384829 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 27 CPU: 1.02855, 0.015979/step Wall: 1.11474, 0.0150669/step, 0.00323519 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 28 CPU: 1.06048, 0.031935/step Wall: 1.14782, 0.0330789/step, 0.00709359 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 29 CPU: 1.07644, 0.015955/step Wall: 1.16172, 0.0139022/step, 0.00297739 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 30 CPU: 1.09243, 0.015997/step Wall: 1.17988, 0.0181558/step, 0.00388333 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 31 CPU: 1.10839, 0.015958/step Wall: 1.19547, 0.0155911/step, 0.00333044 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 32 CPU: 1.14036, 0.031967/step Wall: 1.22899, 0.0335219/step, 0.00715134 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 33 CPU: 1.15631, 0.015951/step Wall: 1.24412, 0.015131/step, 0.00322374 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 34 CPU: 1.17628, 0.019968/step Wall: 1.26219, 0.0180721/step, 0.00384535 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 35 CPU: 1.18826, 0.011977/step Wall: 1.27757, 0.015377/step, 0.00326762 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 36 CPU: 1.22407, 0.035811/step Wall: 1.30994, 0.0323739/step, 0.00687046 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 37 CPU: 1.23605, 0.011986/step Wall: 1.32386, 0.0139201/step, 0.00295028 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 38 CPU: 1.25601, 0.019957/step Wall: 1.34214, 0.0182769/step, 0.00386862 hours remaining, 2767.652344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 39 CPU: 1.27026, 0.014253/step Wall: 1.3562, 0.014056/step, 0.00297128 hours remaining, 2773.578125 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 40 CPU: 1.34389, 0.073629/step Wall: 1.43358, 0.077383/step, 0.0163364 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 41 CPU: 1.35985, 0.015963/step Wall: 1.44944, 0.0158579/step, 0.00334338 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 42 CPU: 1.37964, 0.019787/step Wall: 1.4661, 0.016665/step, 0.0035089 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 43 CPU: 1.39427, 0.014627/step Wall: 1.48144, 0.015341/step, 0.00322588 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 44 CPU: 1.42753, 0.033265/step Wall: 1.51473, 0.0332839/step, 0.00698963 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 45 CPU: 1.43952, 0.011985/step Wall: 1.52863, 0.0139041/step, 0.002916 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 46 CPU: 1.45947, 0.019947/step Wall: 1.54674, 0.0181041/step, 0.0037918 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 47 CPU: 1.47541, 0.015948/step Wall: 1.56215, 0.015415/step, 0.00322429 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 48 CPU: 1.50735, 0.031941/step Wall: 1.59472, 0.0325711/step, 0.00680374 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 49 CPU: 1.51933, 0.011978/step Wall: 1.60858, 0.0138619/step, 0.00289175 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 50 CPU: 1.53924, 0.019906/step Wall: 1.6271, 0.0185189/step, 0.00385811 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 51 CPU: 1.55516, 0.015924/step Wall: 1.64285, 0.0157502/step, 0.00327691 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 52 CPU: 1.59107, 0.035912/step Wall: 1.67879, 0.0359418/step, 0.00746792 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 53 CPU: 1.60701, 0.015934/step Wall: 1.69481, 0.0160191/step, 0.00332396 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 54 CPU: 1.62297, 0.015958/step Wall: 1.71151, 0.0166979/step, 0.00346017 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 55 CPU: 1.63906, 0.016097/step Wall: 1.7269, 0.015384/step, 0.00318362 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 56 CPU: 1.67482, 0.035752/step Wall: 1.76238, 0.0354812/step, 0.00733278 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 57 CPU: 1.69082, 0.016/step Wall: 1.77881, 0.0164289/step, 0.00339075 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 58 CPU: 1.70671, 0.015898/step Wall: 1.79531, 0.0165079/step, 0.00340245 hours remaining, 2786.976562 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 59 CPU: 1.72199, 0.015273/step Wall: 1.80929, 0.013978/step, 0.00287714 hours remaining, 2789.554688 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 60 CPU: 1.79854, 0.076551/step Wall: 1.8868, 0.0775051/step, 0.0159316 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 61 CPU: 1.81455, 0.016011/step Wall: 1.90222, 0.01542/step, 0.00316538 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 62 CPU: 1.83047, 0.015919/step Wall: 1.91865, 0.016434/step, 0.00336896 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 63 CPU: 1.84642, 0.015956/step Wall: 1.93428, 0.0156281/step, 0.00319942 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 64 CPU: 1.88236, 0.035933/step Wall: 1.97045, 0.0361691/step, 0.00739456 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 65 CPU: 1.89836, 0.016001/step Wall: 1.98631, 0.0158579/step, 0.00323766 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 66 CPU: 1.91427, 0.015914/step Wall: 2.00272, 0.0164099/step, 0.00334579 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 67 CPU: 1.93024, 0.015971/step Wall: 2.018, 0.0152822/step, 0.00311162 hours remaining, 2798.832031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 68 CPU: 1.96215, 0.031912/step Wall: 2.05007, 0.032069/step, 0.00652069 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 69 CPU: 1.97414, 0.011982/step Wall: 2.06435, 0.014281/step, 0.00289984 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 70 CPU: 1.99411, 0.019972/step Wall: 2.08302, 0.0186729/step, 0.00378646 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 71 CPU: 2.01011, 0.016006/step Wall: 2.09848, 0.0154591/step, 0.00313046 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 72 CPU: 2.042, 0.031884/step Wall: 2.13092, 0.032439/step, 0.00655989 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 73 CPU: 2.05399, 0.011989/step Wall: 2.14536, 0.0144379/step, 0.00291566 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 74 CPU: 2.07389, 0.0199/step Wall: 2.16314, 0.017781/step, 0.00358584 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 75 CPU: 2.08985, 0.015963/step Wall: 2.17847, 0.0153301/step, 0.00308731 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 76 CPU: 2.12177, 0.031922/step Wall: 2.21059, 0.0321178/step, 0.00645926 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 77 CPU: 2.13375, 0.011977/step Wall: 2.22472, 0.0141301/step, 0.0028378 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 78 CPU: 2.15371, 0.019957/step Wall: 2.24289, 0.018172/step, 0.0036445 hours remaining, 2799.089844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 79 CPU: 2.16878, 0.015076/step Wall: 2.25697, 0.014086/step, 0.00282111 hours remaining, 2801.152344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 80 CPU: 2.24545, 0.076667/step Wall: 2.33474, 0.07777/step, 0.015554 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 81 CPU: 2.2614, 0.01595/step Wall: 2.35018, 0.0154409/step, 0.0030839 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 82 CPU: 2.27736, 0.015957/step Wall: 2.3668, 0.016614/step, 0.00331356 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 83 CPU: 2.29331, 0.015949/step Wall: 2.38202, 0.015218/step, 0.00303092 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 84 CPU: 2.32524, 0.031931/step Wall: 2.41667, 0.0346541/step, 0.00689232 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 85 CPU: 2.34123, 0.015992/step Wall: 2.43314, 0.016464/step, 0.00326993 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 86 CPU: 2.36106, 0.019831/step Wall: 2.44973, 0.0165949/step, 0.00329132 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 87 CPU: 2.37303, 0.011975/step Wall: 2.4653, 0.0155721/step, 0.00308414 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 88 CPU: 2.40899, 0.035955/step Wall: 2.50007, 0.0347669/step, 0.00687612 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 89 CPU: 2.42495, 0.015962/step Wall: 2.5163, 0.0162311/step, 0.00320563 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 90 CPU: 2.44091, 0.015956/step Wall: 2.53297, 0.016669/step, 0.0032875 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 91 CPU: 2.4569, 0.015988/step Wall: 2.54858, 0.0156078/step, 0.00307388 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 92 CPU: 2.48883, 0.031935/step Wall: 2.58032, 0.0317461/step, 0.00624341 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 93 CPU: 2.50478, 0.01595/step Wall: 2.59429, 0.0139699/step, 0.00274353 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 94 CPU: 2.52077, 0.015988/step Wall: 2.61246, 0.0181661/step, 0.00356257 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 95 CPU: 2.53932, 0.018552/step Wall: 2.62831, 0.015856/step, 0.00310514 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 96 CPU: 2.56869, 0.029372/step Wall: 2.65953, 0.0312169/step, 0.00610463 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 97 CPU: 2.58465, 0.015955/step Wall: 2.67391, 0.01438/step, 0.00280809 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 98 CPU: 2.60065, 0.016005/step Wall: 2.6922, 0.0182931/step, 0.00356716 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 99 CPU: 2.6126, 0.011944/step Wall: 2.70358, 0.011379/step, 0.00221574 hours remaining, 2806.824219 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 7.87292 LDB: Largest compute -1 load 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 0.954086 LDB: Average compute 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 0.954086 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 7.8751 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 7.87918 Info: Initial time: 40 CPUs 0.0230639 s/step 0.266943 days/ns 2813.01 MB memory TIMING: 100 CPU: 2.69736, 0.084763/step Wall: 2.78678, 0.0832/step, 0.0161778 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 101 CPU: 2.71234, 0.014977/step Wall: 2.80253, 0.0157421/step, 0.00305658 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 102 CPU: 2.72833, 0.015999/step Wall: 2.81974, 0.0172179/step, 0.00333835 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 103 CPU: 2.74423, 0.015897/step Wall: 2.83549, 0.015743/step, 0.00304802 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 104 CPU: 2.77612, 0.031888/step Wall: 2.86706, 0.0315711/step, 0.00610376 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 105 CPU: 2.78811, 0.011985/step Wall: 2.8813, 0.0142448/step, 0.00275004 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 106 CPU: 2.80803, 0.019929/step Wall: 2.89928, 0.0179741/step, 0.00346501 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 107 CPU: 2.82403, 0.015991/step Wall: 2.91475, 0.01547/step, 0.00297798 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 108 CPU: 2.85993, 0.035907/step Wall: 2.94978, 0.035033/step, 0.00673412 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 109 CPU: 2.87192, 0.011985/step Wall: 2.96559, 0.0158119/step, 0.00303501 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 110 CPU: 2.89182, 0.019901/step Wall: 2.98236, 0.0167651/step, 0.00321331 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 111 CPU: 2.90796, 0.016144/step Wall: 2.99792, 0.015559/step, 0.00297781 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 112 CPU: 2.93967, 0.031706/step Wall: 3.03319, 0.0352759/step, 0.00674162 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 113 CPU: 2.95567, 0.016001/step Wall: 3.04809, 0.0149031/step, 0.002844 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 114 CPU: 2.97159, 0.015916/step Wall: 3.06534, 0.0172439/step, 0.00328591 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 115 CPU: 2.98955, 0.017965/step Wall: 3.08088, 0.015542/step, 0.0029573 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 116 CPU: 3.01947, 0.029922/step Wall: 3.11219, 0.0313041/step, 0.00594778 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 117 CPU: 3.03543, 0.015957/step Wall: 3.12637, 0.0141859/step, 0.00269138 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 118 CPU: 3.05141, 0.015978/step Wall: 3.14492, 0.0185521/step, 0.00351459 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 119 CPU: 3.06339, 0.011984/step Wall: 3.15619, 0.011271/step, 0.0021321 hours remaining, 2813.011719 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 8.32553 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 8.32628 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 8.3272 TIMING: 120 CPU: 3.15123, 0.087842/step Wall: 3.24214, 0.0859499/step, 0.016235 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 121 CPU: 3.16719, 0.01596/step Wall: 3.25775, 0.0156031/step, 0.00294291 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 122 CPU: 3.1831, 0.015903/step Wall: 3.27432, 0.0165751/step, 0.00312164 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 123 CPU: 3.19504, 0.011948/step Wall: 3.28951, 0.0151918/step, 0.0028569 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 124 CPU: 3.22697, 0.031925/step Wall: 3.32143, 0.0319121/step, 0.00599238 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 125 CPU: 3.24292, 0.015952/step Wall: 3.33552, 0.0140901/step, 0.00264189 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 126 CPU: 3.25888, 0.015961/step Wall: 3.35319, 0.017674/step, 0.00330896 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 127 CPU: 3.27486, 0.015977/step Wall: 3.36851, 0.0153151/step, 0.00286306 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 128 CPU: 3.30682, 0.031957/step Wall: 3.4002, 0.031693/step, 0.00591602 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 129 CPU: 3.32277, 0.015956/step Wall: 3.4144, 0.0142009/step, 0.00264689 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 130 CPU: 3.33876, 0.015992/step Wall: 3.43243, 0.0180271/step, 0.00335504 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 131 CPU: 3.35601, 0.017242/step Wall: 3.44818, 0.0157499/step, 0.00292686 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 132 CPU: 3.38668, 0.030676/step Wall: 3.48001, 0.031832/step, 0.0059066 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 133 CPU: 3.40263, 0.015947/step Wall: 3.49402, 0.014015/step, 0.00259666 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 134 CPU: 3.41862, 0.015991/step Wall: 3.51177, 0.0177422/step, 0.0032823 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 135 CPU: 3.43457, 0.015952/step Wall: 3.52703, 0.0152659/step, 0.00281996 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 136 CPU: 3.4665, 0.03193/step Wall: 3.55861, 0.0315781/step, 0.0058244 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 137 CPU: 3.47844, 0.011941/step Wall: 3.57316, 0.0145509/step, 0.0026798 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 138 CPU: 3.49841, 0.019966/step Wall: 3.59172, 0.018558/step, 0.00341261 hours remaining, 2818.941406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 139 CPU: 3.51435, 0.015944/step Wall: 3.60573, 0.01401/step, 0.00257238 hours remaining, 2821.519531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 140 CPU: 3.58619, 0.07184/step Wall: 3.67942, 0.073689/step, 0.0135096 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 141 CPU: 3.60213, 0.015939/step Wall: 3.69508, 0.01566/step, 0.00286666 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 142 CPU: 3.61807, 0.01594/step Wall: 3.71155, 0.0164759/step, 0.00301143 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 143 CPU: 3.6342, 0.01613/step Wall: 3.72682, 0.015269/step, 0.0027866 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 144 CPU: 3.66596, 0.031758/step Wall: 3.75887, 0.032052/step, 0.00584059 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 145 CPU: 3.67795, 0.011989/step Wall: 3.77269, 0.013813/step, 0.0025132 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 146 CPU: 3.69788, 0.019927/step Wall: 3.79106, 0.0183759/step, 0.00333828 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 147 CPU: 3.71385, 0.015971/step Wall: 3.80632, 0.015255/step, 0.00276708 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 148 CPU: 3.74575, 0.031899/step Wall: 3.83816, 0.031841/step, 0.00576677 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 149 CPU: 3.75773, 0.01198/step Wall: 3.85244, 0.014286/step, 0.00258339 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 150 CPU: 3.77764, 0.01991/step Wall: 3.87079, 0.018343/step, 0.00331193 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 151 CPU: 3.79363, 0.01599/step Wall: 3.8866, 0.0158131/step, 0.00285075 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 152 CPU: 3.82551, 0.031887/step Wall: 3.91887, 0.032269/step, 0.00580842 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 153 CPU: 3.8375, 0.011985/step Wall: 3.93293, 0.0140591/step, 0.00252673 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 154 CPU: 3.85745, 0.019952/step Wall: 3.95172, 0.0187938/step, 0.00337245 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 155 CPU: 3.87344, 0.015986/step Wall: 3.96703, 0.0153091/step, 0.00274288 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 156 CPU: 3.90534, 0.0319/step Wall: 3.99886, 0.0318289/step, 0.00569383 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 157 CPU: 3.91732, 0.011985/step Wall: 4.0132, 0.0143421/step, 0.00256165 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 158 CPU: 3.93729, 0.019968/step Wall: 4.03179, 0.0185831/step, 0.00331398 hours remaining, 2823.839844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 159 CPU: 3.95323, 0.01594/step Wall: 4.04577, 0.013989/step, 0.00249081 hours remaining, 2826.160156 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 160 CPU: 4.02904, 0.07581/step Wall: 4.1223, 0.0765269/step, 0.0136048 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 161 CPU: 4.04101, 0.011973/step Wall: 4.13753, 0.0152252/step, 0.00270247 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 162 CPU: 4.06091, 0.019894/step Wall: 4.15512, 0.0175939/step, 0.00311802 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 163 CPU: 4.07689, 0.015985/step Wall: 4.17076, 0.015641/step, 0.00276758 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 164 CPU: 4.1048, 0.027914/step Wall: 4.20165, 0.030885/step, 0.00545635 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 165 CPU: 4.12476, 0.019951/step Wall: 4.21925, 0.017601/step, 0.00310462 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 166 CPU: 4.14071, 0.015949/step Wall: 4.23589, 0.0166421/step, 0.00293086 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 167 CPU: 4.15669, 0.015987/step Wall: 4.25121, 0.0153191/step, 0.00269361 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 168 CPU: 4.19242, 0.035724/step Wall: 4.28604, 0.0348279/step, 0.00611424 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 169 CPU: 4.20836, 0.015946/step Wall: 4.30231, 0.016269/step, 0.00285159 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 170 CPU: 4.22436, 0.015993/step Wall: 4.3188, 0.0164931/step, 0.00288629 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 171 CPU: 4.24031, 0.01595/step Wall: 4.33445, 0.0156498/step, 0.00273437 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 172 CPU: 4.27222, 0.031917/step Wall: 4.36766, 0.033211/step, 0.00579347 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 173 CPU: 4.28822, 0.015996/step Wall: 4.38193, 0.0142722/step, 0.00248574 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 174 CPU: 4.30415, 0.015934/step Wall: 4.40034, 0.0184078/step, 0.00320092 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 175 CPU: 4.32123, 0.01708/step Wall: 4.41581, 0.0154691/step, 0.0026856 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 176 CPU: 4.35603, 0.034794/step Wall: 4.44985, 0.0340381/step, 0.00589993 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 177 CPU: 4.37204, 0.016011/step Wall: 4.46632, 0.0164709/step, 0.00285038 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 178 CPU: 4.38795, 0.015912/step Wall: 4.48296, 0.016638/step, 0.00287468 hours remaining, 2827.964844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 179 CPU: 4.40298, 0.015031/step Wall: 4.49697, 0.01401/step, 0.00241672 hours remaining, 2828.777344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 180 CPU: 4.47985, 0.076865/step Wall: 4.57624, 0.079277/step, 0.0136533 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 181 CPU: 4.49583, 0.015988/step Wall: 4.59142, 0.0151739/step, 0.00260907 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 182 CPU: 4.51178, 0.015951/step Wall: 4.6086, 0.0171802/step, 0.00294927 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 183 CPU: 4.52779, 0.016002/step Wall: 4.62381, 0.0152149/step, 0.00260767 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 184 CPU: 4.55975, 0.031959/step Wall: 4.65575, 0.0319381/step, 0.00546496 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 185 CPU: 4.5757, 0.015955/step Wall: 4.67118, 0.0154269/step, 0.00263542 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 186 CPU: 4.59167, 0.015969/step Wall: 4.68954, 0.018363/step, 0.00313191 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 187 CPU: 4.60985, 0.018179/step Wall: 4.70486, 0.0153201/step, 0.00260867 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 188 CPU: 4.63952, 0.029673/step Wall: 4.73577, 0.030911/step, 0.00525486 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 189 CPU: 4.65551, 0.015989/step Wall: 4.75301, 0.01724/step, 0.00292602 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 190 CPU: 4.6754, 0.019893/step Wall: 4.77011, 0.017097/step, 0.00289699 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 191 CPU: 4.68738, 0.011977/step Wall: 4.78564, 0.0155299/step, 0.00262714 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 192 CPU: 4.72329, 0.035913/step Wall: 4.81838, 0.0327451/step, 0.00553029 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 193 CPU: 4.7393, 0.016003/step Wall: 4.83492, 0.0165329/step, 0.00278763 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 194 CPU: 4.75522, 0.015926/step Wall: 4.8518, 0.016885/step, 0.00284232 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 195 CPU: 4.77124, 0.016021/step Wall: 4.86734, 0.0155389/step, 0.0026114 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 196 CPU: 4.80312, 0.031876/step Wall: 4.89978, 0.032444/step, 0.00544338 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 197 CPU: 4.81907, 0.015952/step Wall: 4.91711, 0.017329/step, 0.0029026 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 198 CPU: 4.83901, 0.019934/step Wall: 4.93412, 0.0170031/step, 0.00284329 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 199 CPU: 4.84702, 0.008013/step Wall: 4.94551, 0.0113921/step, 0.00190185 hours remaining, 2829.292969 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 10.1148 LDB: TIME 10.1172 LOAD: AVG 0.957744 MAX 1.39425 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 None MEM: 2830.07 MB LDB: TIME 10.1172 LOAD: AVG 0.957744 MAX 1.39425 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 TorusLB MEM: 2830.07 MB LDB: Largest compute -1 load 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 0.957744 LDB: Average compute 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 0.957744 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 10.1184 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 10.1223 Info: Initial time: 40 CPUs 0.0223953 s/step 0.259205 days/ns 2833.42 MB memory TIMING: 200 CPU: 4.94085, 0.093827/step Wall: 5.03575, 0.090241/step, 0.0150402 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. ENERGY: 200 38316.4047 105286.8095 81917.2336 5027.6425 -4028998.2741 296237.8535 0.0000 0.0000 641374.3485 -2860837.9818 290.4467 -3502212.3303 -2859347.6562 290.8845 -19129.6131 43.3092 10360033.7190 15.2558 12.3274 TIMING: 201 CPU: 4.95481, 0.013962/step Wall: 5.05001, 0.0142589/step, 0.00237252 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 202 CPU: 4.97073, 0.015927/step Wall: 5.06798, 0.017971/step, 0.00298519 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 203 CPU: 4.98672, 0.015988/step Wall: 5.08354, 0.0155661/step, 0.00258138 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 204 CPU: 5.01866, 0.031939/step Wall: 5.11563, 0.0320818/step, 0.00531133 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 205 CPU: 5.03461, 0.015953/step Wall: 5.12995, 0.014323/step, 0.00236727 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 206 CPU: 5.05062, 0.016008/step Wall: 5.14835, 0.0183971/step, 0.00303552 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 207 CPU: 5.06768, 0.017054/step Wall: 5.16379, 0.0154421/step, 0.00254366 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 208 CPU: 5.09853, 0.030852/step Wall: 5.19453, 0.0307369/step, 0.00505452 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 209 CPU: 5.11447, 0.015944/step Wall: 5.21173, 0.0172079/step, 0.00282496 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 210 CPU: 5.13036, 0.015883/step Wall: 5.22846, 0.0167241/step, 0.0027409 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 211 CPU: 5.14636, 0.016003/step Wall: 5.24396, 0.015507/step, 0.00253711 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 212 CPU: 5.17825, 0.031889/step Wall: 5.27624, 0.0322759/step, 0.00527173 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 213 CPU: 5.19407, 0.015821/step Wall: 5.2915, 0.0152581/step, 0.00248791 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 214 CPU: 5.214, 0.019936/step Wall: 5.30996, 0.0184581/step, 0.00300457 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 215 CPU: 5.22842, 0.014416/step Wall: 5.32509, 0.0151339/step, 0.00245925 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 216 CPU: 5.25791, 0.029494/step Wall: 5.35724, 0.03215/step, 0.00521545 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 217 CPU: 5.27386, 0.01595/step Wall: 5.37332, 0.016083/step, 0.00260455 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 218 CPU: 5.29367, 0.019805/step Wall: 5.39028, 0.0169561/step, 0.00274123 hours remaining, 2833.417969 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 219 CPU: 5.30794, 0.014267/step Wall: 5.40449, 0.014209/step, 0.00229318 hours remaining, 2835.480469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 220 CPU: 5.38154, 0.073608/step Wall: 5.47889, 0.0743968/step, 0.0119862 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 221 CPU: 5.3975, 0.015958/step Wall: 5.4944, 0.015511/step, 0.00249469 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 222 CPU: 5.41345, 0.015951/step Wall: 5.51124, 0.0168409/step, 0.00270391 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 223 CPU: 5.42942, 0.015966/step Wall: 5.52655, 0.0153151/step, 0.00245466 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 224 CPU: 5.46134, 0.031916/step Wall: 5.55921, 0.032655/step, 0.0052248 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 225 CPU: 5.47734, 0.016004/step Wall: 5.57569, 0.0164821/step, 0.00263256 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 226 CPU: 5.4932, 0.01586/step Wall: 5.59241, 0.0167229/step, 0.00266638 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 227 CPU: 5.5092, 0.015998/step Wall: 5.60769, 0.0152769/step, 0.00243157 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 228 CPU: 5.54115, 0.031953/step Wall: 5.63896, 0.03127/step, 0.00496846 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 229 CPU: 5.5571, 0.015949/step Wall: 5.65478, 0.015825/step, 0.00251003 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 230 CPU: 5.5731, 0.015998/step Wall: 5.67334, 0.0185561/step, 0.00293805 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 231 CPU: 5.59122, 0.018119/step Wall: 5.68892, 0.0155828/step, 0.00246295 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 232 CPU: 5.62496, 0.033745/step Wall: 5.72219, 0.033268/step, 0.00524895 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 233 CPU: 5.64095, 0.015984/step Wall: 5.73828, 0.0160851/step, 0.00253341 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 234 CPU: 5.6569, 0.015958/step Wall: 5.7548, 0.0165241/step, 0.00259795 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 235 CPU: 5.67288, 0.015981/step Wall: 5.77013, 0.0153279/step, 0.00240563 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 236 CPU: 5.70085, 0.027962/step Wall: 5.80073, 0.0305979/step, 0.00479367 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 237 CPU: 5.7208, 0.019956/step Wall: 5.81844, 0.0177121/step, 0.00276998 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 238 CPU: 5.73675, 0.015944/step Wall: 5.83507, 0.0166318/step, 0.00259642 hours remaining, 2835.996094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 239 CPU: 5.75191, 0.015161/step Wall: 5.84906, 0.013989/step, 0.00217995 hours remaining, 2837.285156 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 240 CPU: 5.8246, 0.072695/step Wall: 5.92335, 0.0742881/step, 0.0115559 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 241 CPU: 5.84059, 0.015985/step Wall: 5.93921, 0.0158589/step, 0.00246253 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 242 CPU: 5.85654, 0.015953/step Wall: 5.95599, 0.0167871/step, 0.00260199 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 243 CPU: 5.87253, 0.015985/step Wall: 5.97157, 0.015578/step, 0.00241027 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 244 CPU: 5.90447, 0.031946/step Wall: 6.0038, 0.032227/step, 0.00497729 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 245 CPU: 5.92042, 0.01595/step Wall: 6.01778, 0.0139821/step, 0.00215557 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 246 CPU: 5.93643, 0.016004/step Wall: 6.03631, 0.0185308/step, 0.00285169 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 247 CPU: 5.95238, 0.015954/step Wall: 6.05171, 0.015399/step, 0.00236545 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 248 CPU: 5.98425, 0.031875/step Wall: 6.08372, 0.0320051/step, 0.00490744 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 249 CPU: 5.99623, 0.011981/step Wall: 6.09764, 0.0139279/step, 0.00213175 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 250 CPU: 6.01608, 0.019844/step Wall: 6.11619, 0.0185421/step, 0.00283281 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 251 CPU: 6.03208, 0.016005/step Wall: 6.1317, 0.015512/step, 0.00236558 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 252 CPU: 6.06403, 0.031941/step Wall: 6.16286, 0.0311651/step, 0.00474402 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 253 CPU: 6.07998, 0.015957/step Wall: 6.17844, 0.0155799/step, 0.00236729 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 254 CPU: 6.09585, 0.01587/step Wall: 6.19681, 0.0183659/step, 0.00278549 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 255 CPU: 6.11332, 0.017465/step Wall: 6.21231, 0.015506/step, 0.00234744 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 256 CPU: 6.14371, 0.030396/step Wall: 6.24405, 0.0317361/step, 0.00479568 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 257 CPU: 6.15967, 0.015953/step Wall: 6.26055, 0.0165019/step, 0.00248904 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 258 CPU: 6.17562, 0.015956/step Wall: 6.27716, 0.016607/step, 0.00250028 hours remaining, 2837.800781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 259 CPU: 6.19256, 0.016934/step Wall: 6.29132, 0.014163/step, 0.00212839 hours remaining, 2839.347656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 260 CPU: 6.26343, 0.070876/step Wall: 6.36538, 0.074055/step, 0.0111082 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 261 CPU: 6.27943, 0.015996/step Wall: 6.38108, 0.0157011/step, 0.0023508 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 262 CPU: 6.29936, 0.019927/step Wall: 6.39839, 0.0173149/step, 0.00258762 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 263 CPU: 6.3153, 0.015947/step Wall: 6.41379, 0.0153971/step, 0.00229673 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 264 CPU: 6.34721, 0.031911/step Wall: 6.44581, 0.0320201/step, 0.00476744 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 265 CPU: 6.35918, 0.011968/step Wall: 6.46006, 0.014251/step, 0.00211786 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 266 CPU: 6.37899, 0.019813/step Wall: 6.47861, 0.0185468/step, 0.00275111 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 267 CPU: 6.39493, 0.015931/step Wall: 6.49409, 0.015486/step, 0.00229279 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 268 CPU: 6.42288, 0.027951/step Wall: 6.52417, 0.030076/step, 0.00444457 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 269 CPU: 6.43883, 0.015954/step Wall: 6.53999, 0.015821/step, 0.00233359 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 270 CPU: 6.45879, 0.019961/step Wall: 6.55775, 0.0177572/step, 0.00261425 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 271 CPU: 6.47484, 0.016051/step Wall: 6.57381, 0.0160608/step, 0.00236005 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 272 CPU: 6.5067, 0.031858/step Wall: 6.6086, 0.034795/step, 0.00510327 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 273 CPU: 6.52266, 0.015958/step Wall: 6.62455, 0.0159409/step, 0.00233357 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 274 CPU: 6.53859, 0.015928/step Wall: 6.64143, 0.016886/step, 0.00246723 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 275 CPU: 6.55453, 0.015943/step Wall: 6.65694, 0.0155122/step, 0.0022622 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 276 CPU: 6.5865, 0.031966/step Wall: 6.6876, 0.0306609/step, 0.00446286 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 277 CPU: 6.60244, 0.015948/step Wall: 6.70291, 0.0153079/step, 0.0022239 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 278 CPU: 6.61846, 0.016021/step Wall: 6.7213, 0.0183871/step, 0.00266613 hours remaining, 2840.121094 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 279 CPU: 6.63596, 0.017497/step Wall: 6.73549, 0.01419/step, 0.0020536 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 280 CPU: 6.71025, 0.07429/step Wall: 6.81285, 0.077359/step, 0.0111741 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 281 CPU: 6.72626, 0.016004/step Wall: 6.82843, 0.015578/step, 0.00224583 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 282 CPU: 6.74218, 0.01592/step Wall: 6.84501, 0.016588/step, 0.00238682 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 283 CPU: 6.75815, 0.015976/step Wall: 6.86022, 0.015203/step, 0.00218332 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 284 CPU: 6.79008, 0.031927/step Wall: 6.89241, 0.032197/step, 0.0046149 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 285 CPU: 6.80608, 0.016/step Wall: 6.90657, 0.0141571/step, 0.00202525 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 286 CPU: 6.82202, 0.015946/step Wall: 6.92501, 0.018434/step, 0.00263197 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 287 CPU: 6.83799, 0.015961/step Wall: 6.94032, 0.01531/step, 0.00218168 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 288 CPU: 6.86993, 0.031944/step Wall: 6.97223, 0.031913/step, 0.00453874 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 289 CPU: 6.88588, 0.015946/step Wall: 6.98862, 0.016386/step, 0.00232591 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 290 CPU: 6.90185, 0.015979/step Wall: 7.00453, 0.015919/step, 0.00225519 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 291 CPU: 6.91781, 0.015957/step Wall: 7.0202, 0.015662/step, 0.00221443 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 292 CPU: 6.94976, 0.031948/step Wall: 7.05219, 0.031992/step, 0.00451442 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 293 CPU: 6.96571, 0.015953/step Wall: 7.0664, 0.0142159/step, 0.00200208 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 294 CPU: 6.9817, 0.015984/step Wall: 7.08493, 0.0185251/step, 0.00260381 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 295 CPU: 6.99766, 0.015961/step Wall: 7.10075, 0.0158179/step, 0.0022189 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 296 CPU: 7.03357, 0.035914/step Wall: 7.13547, 0.0347211/step, 0.00486096 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 297 CPU: 7.04957, 0.015995/step Wall: 7.15154, 0.0160708/step, 0.00224545 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 298 CPU: 7.06549, 0.015928/step Wall: 7.16824, 0.0167022/step, 0.00232903 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 299 CPU: 7.07748, 0.011989/step Wall: 7.17976, 0.011519/step, 0.00160305 hours remaining, 2840.378906 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 12.3491 LDB: TIME 12.3513 LOAD: AVG 1.20025 MAX 1.73691 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 None MEM: 2840.89 MB LDB: TIME 12.3514 LOAD: AVG 1.20025 MAX 1.73691 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 RefineTorusLB MEM: 2840.89 MB LDB: TIME 12.3514 LOAD: AVG 1.20025 MAX 1.73691 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 RefineTorusLB MEM: 2840.89 MB LDB: Largest compute -1 load 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 1.200246 LDB: Average compute 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 1.200246 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 12.3526 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 12.3564 Info: Initial time: 40 CPUs 0.0222909 s/step 0.257997 days/ns 2841.93 MB memory TIMING: 300 CPU: 7.17186, 0.09438/step Wall: 7.27236, 0.0925999/step, 0.0128611 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 301 CPU: 7.1852, 0.013332/step Wall: 7.28761, 0.015255/step, 0.00211451 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 302 CPU: 7.20117, 0.015973/step Wall: 7.30453, 0.0169182/step, 0.00234035 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 303 CPU: 7.21712, 0.015954/step Wall: 7.32003, 0.0154998/step, 0.00213984 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 304 CPU: 7.24907, 0.031947/step Wall: 7.351, 0.0309711/step, 0.00426712 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 305 CPU: 7.26501, 0.015941/step Wall: 7.3664, 0.0153949/step, 0.0021168 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 306 CPU: 7.28101, 0.015996/step Wall: 7.38513, 0.0187352/step, 0.00257088 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 307 CPU: 7.29973, 0.01872/step Wall: 7.40049, 0.0153608/step, 0.00210358 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 308 CPU: 7.33288, 0.033153/step Wall: 7.43406, 0.0335681/step, 0.00458765 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 309 CPU: 7.34884, 0.015957/step Wall: 7.45149, 0.0174229/step, 0.00237629 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 310 CPU: 7.36478, 0.015946/step Wall: 7.46837, 0.01688/step, 0.00229756 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 311 CPU: 7.38075, 0.015966/step Wall: 7.48459, 0.016221/step, 0.00220336 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 312 CPU: 7.41267, 0.031918/step Wall: 7.51761, 0.0330241/step, 0.0044766 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 313 CPU: 7.42862, 0.015954/step Wall: 7.53318, 0.0155718/step, 0.00210652 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 314 CPU: 7.44859, 0.019967/step Wall: 7.55178, 0.0185962/step, 0.00251048 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 315 CPU: 7.46458, 0.015992/step Wall: 7.56702, 0.0152428/step, 0.00205355 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 316 CPU: 7.49652, 0.031938/step Wall: 7.60106, 0.034034/step, 0.00457568 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 317 CPU: 7.51248, 0.015958/step Wall: 7.6168, 0.0157411/step, 0.00211193 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 318 CPU: 7.52845, 0.015972/step Wall: 7.63362, 0.016818/step, 0.00225175 hours remaining, 2841.925781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 319 CPU: 7.54618, 0.017734/step Wall: 7.64763, 0.01402/step, 0.00187322 hours remaining, 2842.183594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 320 CPU: 7.62032, 0.074135/step Wall: 7.72202, 0.0743809/step, 0.00991745 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 321 CPU: 7.6323, 0.011981/step Wall: 7.73577, 0.0137582/step, 0.0018306 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 322 CPU: 7.65223, 0.019935/step Wall: 7.75429, 0.0185168/step, 0.00245862 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 323 CPU: 7.66422, 0.011984/step Wall: 7.76958, 0.0152862/step, 0.00202542 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 324 CPU: 7.70012, 0.035904/step Wall: 7.80204, 0.0324678/step, 0.00429297 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 325 CPU: 7.71608, 0.015956/step Wall: 7.81835, 0.016305/step, 0.00215135 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 326 CPU: 7.73205, 0.015974/step Wall: 7.83453, 0.016176/step, 0.00212984 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 327 CPU: 7.74799, 0.015938/step Wall: 7.85, 0.0154781/step, 0.00203365 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 328 CPU: 7.7759, 0.027913/step Wall: 7.88127, 0.031266/step, 0.00409932 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 329 CPU: 7.7919, 0.016002/step Wall: 7.89706, 0.015794/step, 0.00206639 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 330 CPU: 7.81183, 0.019924/step Wall: 7.91435, 0.0172839/step, 0.00225651 hours remaining, 2842.699219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 331 CPU: 7.82799, 0.016159/step Wall: 7.92991, 0.0155671/step, 0.00202804 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 332 CPU: 7.85974, 0.031752/step Wall: 7.96474, 0.0348289/step, 0.00452776 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 333 CPU: 7.87569, 0.015951/step Wall: 7.9806, 0.015861/step, 0.00205753 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 334 CPU: 7.89167, 0.015984/step Wall: 7.9973, 0.0166981/step, 0.00216148 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 335 CPU: 7.90763, 0.015961/step Wall: 8.01248, 0.0151799/step, 0.00196073 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 336 CPU: 7.93959, 0.031961/step Wall: 8.04299, 0.0305071/step, 0.00393202 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 337 CPU: 7.95555, 0.015953/step Wall: 8.05842, 0.0154269/step, 0.00198407 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 338 CPU: 7.97156, 0.016007/step Wall: 8.07674, 0.0183251/step, 0.00235172 hours remaining, 2842.957031 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 339 CPU: 7.98857, 0.017012/step Wall: 8.09103, 0.0142889/step, 0.00182977 hours remaining, 2843.472656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 340 CPU: 8.06339, 0.074818/step Wall: 8.16836, 0.0773251/step, 0.00988043 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 341 CPU: 8.07935, 0.015963/step Wall: 8.18421, 0.0158539/step, 0.00202137 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 342 CPU: 8.09534, 0.015991/step Wall: 8.20122, 0.0170062/step, 0.00216356 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 343 CPU: 8.1113, 0.015961/step Wall: 8.21629, 0.0150709/step, 0.00191317 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 344 CPU: 8.14328, 0.031975/step Wall: 8.24904, 0.032752/step, 0.00414859 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 345 CPU: 8.15919, 0.015913/step Wall: 8.26353, 0.014487/step, 0.001831 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 346 CPU: 8.17912, 0.019935/step Wall: 8.28205, 0.0185289/step, 0.0023367 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 347 CPU: 8.19371, 0.014587/step Wall: 8.29726, 0.0152049/step, 0.00191328 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 348 CPU: 8.22704, 0.03333/step Wall: 8.33159, 0.0343342/step, 0.00431085 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 349 CPU: 8.243, 0.015956/step Wall: 8.34823, 0.0166399/step, 0.00208462 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 350 CPU: 8.25894, 0.01594/step Wall: 8.36484, 0.0166061/step, 0.00207576 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 351 CPU: 8.27767, 0.018735/step Wall: 8.38056, 0.0157158/step, 0.00196011 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 352 CPU: 8.31072, 0.033046/step Wall: 8.41382, 0.0332651/step, 0.00413966 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 353 CPU: 8.32672, 0.016/step Wall: 8.43145, 0.017626/step, 0.00218857 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 354 CPU: 8.34263, 0.015913/step Wall: 8.4485, 0.017056/step, 0.00211305 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 355 CPU: 8.35863, 0.016004/step Wall: 8.46389, 0.0153909/step, 0.00190248 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 356 CPU: 8.39058, 0.031948/step Wall: 8.49534, 0.0314431/step, 0.00387798 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 357 CPU: 8.40257, 0.011986/step Wall: 8.50938, 0.0140469/step, 0.00172855 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 358 CPU: 8.42253, 0.019965/step Wall: 8.52788, 0.018497/step, 0.00227102 hours remaining, 2843.730469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 359 CPU: 8.43845, 0.015914/step Wall: 8.54179, 0.0139129/step, 0.00170433 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 360 CPU: 8.51432, 0.07587/step Wall: 8.62004, 0.0782452/step, 0.0095633 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 361 CPU: 8.53029, 0.015975/step Wall: 8.6352, 0.015162/step, 0.00184892 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 362 CPU: 8.54624, 0.015947/step Wall: 8.65191, 0.0167139/step, 0.00203352 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 363 CPU: 8.56224, 0.016/step Wall: 8.66721, 0.0152941/step, 0.00185653 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 364 CPU: 8.59417, 0.031935/step Wall: 8.69964, 0.0324359/step, 0.00392835 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 365 CPU: 8.61012, 0.01595/step Wall: 8.71613, 0.0164862/step, 0.00199208 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 366 CPU: 8.62611, 0.015982/step Wall: 8.73288, 0.016748/step, 0.00201906 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 367 CPU: 8.64205, 0.015944/step Wall: 8.74814, 0.0152609/step, 0.00183555 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 368 CPU: 8.67396, 0.03191/step Wall: 8.77972, 0.031585/step, 0.0037902 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 369 CPU: 8.68996, 0.016004/step Wall: 8.79604, 0.016315/step, 0.00195327 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 370 CPU: 8.70583, 0.015869/step Wall: 8.81275, 0.01671/step, 0.00199592 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 371 CPU: 8.72179, 0.015954/step Wall: 8.82833, 0.0155821/step, 0.00185687 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 372 CPU: 8.75771, 0.035927/step Wall: 8.86275, 0.0344229/step, 0.0040925 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 373 CPU: 8.77363, 0.015912/step Wall: 8.87934, 0.0165882/step, 0.00196755 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 374 CPU: 8.78954, 0.015918/step Wall: 8.89607, 0.0167298/step, 0.0019797 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 375 CPU: 8.80554, 0.016/step Wall: 8.91132, 0.0152481/step, 0.00180012 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 376 CPU: 8.83749, 0.031947/step Wall: 8.9431, 0.03178/step, 0.00374298 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 377 CPU: 8.85344, 0.015951/step Wall: 8.95915, 0.016048/step, 0.00188563 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 378 CPU: 8.86935, 0.01591/step Wall: 8.97603, 0.0168781/step, 0.00197849 hours remaining, 2844.761719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 379 CPU: 8.88533, 0.015981/step Wall: 8.9898, 0.013777/step, 0.00161115 hours remaining, 2845.277344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 380 CPU: 8.96121, 0.07588/step Wall: 9.06673, 0.0769229/step, 0.00897434 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 381 CPU: 8.97717, 0.015956/step Wall: 9.08247, 0.015744/step, 0.00183242 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 382 CPU: 8.99311, 0.015937/step Wall: 9.09934, 0.0168741/step, 0.00195927 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 383 CPU: 9.00926, 0.016153/step Wall: 9.11474, 0.0153949/step, 0.00178325 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 384 CPU: 9.041, 0.031743/step Wall: 9.14813, 0.0333881/step, 0.00385818 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 385 CPU: 9.05696, 0.015957/step Wall: 9.16449, 0.0163598/step, 0.00188592 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 386 CPU: 9.07292, 0.015956/step Wall: 9.18115, 0.0166612/step, 0.00191603 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 387 CPU: 9.09085, 0.017938/step Wall: 9.19666, 0.015512/step, 0.00177957 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 388 CPU: 9.1248, 0.033944/step Wall: 9.23134, 0.034677/step, 0.00396859 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 389 CPU: 9.14075, 0.015956/step Wall: 9.24795, 0.0166159/step, 0.00189698 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 390 CPU: 9.15668, 0.015929/step Wall: 9.26456, 0.0166051/step, 0.00189114 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 391 CPU: 9.17268, 0.015997/step Wall: 9.28007, 0.015507/step, 0.00176177 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 392 CPU: 9.20453, 0.031853/step Wall: 9.31232, 0.032253/step, 0.00365534 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 393 CPU: 9.22049, 0.015953/step Wall: 9.32845, 0.0161269/step, 0.00182323 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 394 CPU: 9.23644, 0.015957/step Wall: 9.34518, 0.0167329/step, 0.0018871 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 395 CPU: 9.2524, 0.015958/step Wall: 9.36064, 0.0154641/step, 0.00173971 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 396 CPU: 9.28434, 0.03194/step Wall: 9.39275, 0.0321109/step, 0.00360356 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 397 CPU: 9.3003, 0.015956/step Wall: 9.40895, 0.016196/step, 0.00181305 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 398 CPU: 9.3163, 0.016/step Wall: 9.42519, 0.0162401/step, 0.00181348 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 399 CPU: 9.32828, 0.011979/step Wall: 9.43651, 0.0113249/step, 0.00126147 hours remaining, 2846.308594 MB of memory in use. LDB: ============= START OF LOAD BALANCING ============== 14.6059 LDB: TIME 14.6079 LOAD: AVG 1.20157 MAX 1.75126 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 None MEM: 2846.31 MB LDB: TIME 14.6079 LOAD: AVG 1.20157 MAX 1.75126 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 RefineTorusLB MEM: 2846.31 MB LDB: TIME 14.608 LOAD: AVG 1.20157 MAX 1.75126 PROXIES: TOTAL 3327 MAXPE 86 MAXPATCH 5 RefineTorusLB MEM: 2846.31 MB LDB: Largest compute -1 load 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 1.201573 LDB: Average compute 0.000000 is 0.0% of average load 1.201573 LDB: ============== END OF LOAD BALANCING =============== 14.6092 Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0 LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 14.6131 Info: Benchmark time: 40 CPUs 0.0224505 s/step 0.259844 days/ns 2846.82 MB memory TIMING: 400 CPU: 9.41919, 0.090914/step Wall: 9.52488, 0.0883632/step, 0.00981813 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. ENERGY: 400 38163.9044 105158.2657 81786.2928 5099.1707 -4017213.7824 291516.7150 0.0000 0.0000 644077.1866 -2851412.2472 291.6707 -3495489.4338 -2850000.1720 291.9966 -19119.8725 3.1787 10355299.0897 3.4683 3.5160 TIMING: 401 CPU: 9.43204, 0.012851/step Wall: 9.5402, 0.0153239/step, 0.0016984 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 402 CPU: 9.44795, 0.015914/step Wall: 9.55682, 0.0166211/step, 0.00183756 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 403 CPU: 9.46393, 0.015978/step Wall: 9.57202, 0.0151999/step, 0.00167621 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 404 CPU: 9.49585, 0.031919/step Wall: 9.60469, 0.032665/step, 0.00359315 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 405 CPU: 9.51185, 0.015998/step Wall: 9.61861, 0.013926/step, 0.00152799 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 406 CPU: 9.52779, 0.015945/step Wall: 9.63645, 0.0178409/step, 0.00195258 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 407 CPU: 9.54594, 0.018145/step Wall: 9.65191, 0.01546/step, 0.00168772 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 408 CPU: 9.5757, 0.029759/step Wall: 9.68283, 0.030916/step, 0.00336641 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 409 CPU: 9.59166, 0.015959/step Wall: 9.69846, 0.0156262/step, 0.00169718 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 410 CPU: 9.60765, 0.015997/step Wall: 9.71698, 0.018522/step, 0.00200655 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 411 CPU: 9.62571, 0.018052/step Wall: 9.73293, 0.0159538/step, 0.00172389 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 412 CPU: 9.65554, 0.029835/step Wall: 9.76565, 0.0327141/step, 0.00352586 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 413 CPU: 9.67151, 0.01597/step Wall: 9.77966, 0.0140131/step, 0.0015064 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 414 CPU: 9.69142, 0.01991/step Wall: 9.7982, 0.018537/step, 0.00198758 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 415 CPU: 9.70339, 0.011972/step Wall: 9.81366, 0.0154648/step, 0.00165387 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 416 CPU: 9.73526, 0.031869/step Wall: 9.84405, 0.030385/step, 0.00324107 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 417 CPU: 9.75127, 0.016006/step Wall: 9.86115, 0.0171051/step, 0.00181979 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 418 CPU: 9.77121, 0.019941/step Wall: 9.87791, 0.0167589/step, 0.00177831 hours remaining, 2846.824219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 419 CPU: 9.78505, 0.013842/step Wall: 9.89186, 0.013952/step, 0.00147659 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 420 CPU: 9.85903, 0.073974/step Wall: 9.96574, 0.0738761/step, 0.00779804 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 421 CPU: 9.87101, 0.01199/step Wall: 9.98131, 0.0155718/step, 0.00163937 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 422 CPU: 9.89097, 0.01995/step Wall: 9.99836, 0.0170491/step, 0.00179015 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 423 CPU: 9.90291, 0.011949/step Wall: 10.0137, 0.015305/step, 0.00160278 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 424 CPU: 9.93483, 0.03192/step Wall: 10.0443, 0.0306849/step, 0.00320487 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 425 CPU: 9.95081, 0.015977/step Wall: 10.0616, 0.017282/step, 0.00180021 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 426 CPU: 9.97072, 0.019904/step Wall: 10.0784, 0.0167799/step, 0.00174325 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 427 CPU: 9.9827, 0.011987/step Wall: 10.0936, 0.0151641/step, 0.00157117 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 428 CPU: 10.0186, 0.035913/step Wall: 10.1258, 0.0322239/step, 0.00332981 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 429 CPU: 10.0306, 0.011978/step Wall: 10.1401, 0.0143399/step, 0.00147781 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 430 CPU: 10.0505, 0.019956/step Wall: 10.1587, 0.018517/step, 0.00190314 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 431 CPU: 10.0665, 0.015959/step Wall: 10.1745, 0.015846/step, 0.00162422 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 432 CPU: 10.0985, 0.031959/step Wall: 10.2076, 0.033124/step, 0.00338601 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 433 CPU: 10.1144, 0.015947/step Wall: 10.2242, 0.0165522/step, 0.00168741 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 434 CPU: 10.1303, 0.015912/step Wall: 10.2411, 0.0168779/step, 0.00171592 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 435 CPU: 10.1463, 0.015948/step Wall: 10.2569, 0.0158429/step, 0.0016063 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 436 CPU: 10.1782, 0.031904/step Wall: 10.2882, 0.0312982/step, 0.00316459 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 437 CPU: 10.1941, 0.015955/step Wall: 10.3027, 0.0144598/step, 0.00145803 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 438 CPU: 10.2101, 0.015966/step Wall: 10.3211, 0.0184212/step, 0.00185235 hours remaining, 2847.339844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 439 CPU: 10.2271, 0.017012/step Wall: 10.335, 0.0139589/step, 0.00139977 hours remaining, 2847.855469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 440 CPU: 10.2979, 0.070822/step Wall: 10.4092, 0.0742021/step, 0.00742021 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 441 CPU: 10.3139, 0.015993/step Wall: 10.4247, 0.015415/step, 0.00153721 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 442 CPU: 10.3299, 0.015947/step Wall: 10.4413, 0.016602/step, 0.00165098 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 443 CPU: 10.3479, 0.018076/step Wall: 10.4568, 0.015559/step, 0.00154293 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 444 CPU: 10.3818, 0.033811/step Wall: 10.4917, 0.0348649/step, 0.00344775 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 445 CPU: 10.3978, 0.015996/step Wall: 10.5081, 0.016402/step, 0.00161742 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 446 CPU: 10.4137, 0.015912/step Wall: 10.5247, 0.016583/step, 0.00163066 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 447 CPU: 10.431, 0.017372/step Wall: 10.5402, 0.0155571/step, 0.00152546 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 448 CPU: 10.4656, 0.034512/step Wall: 10.5747, 0.03444/step, 0.00336747 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 449 CPU: 10.4816, 0.016/step Wall: 10.591, 0.0163131/step, 0.00159052 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 450 CPU: 10.4975, 0.015945/step Wall: 10.6075, 0.016561/step, 0.0016101 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 451 CPU: 10.5135, 0.015991/step Wall: 10.6235, 0.015945/step, 0.00154578 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 452 CPU: 10.5494, 0.03591/step Wall: 10.6583, 0.0347989/step, 0.00336389 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 453 CPU: 10.5654, 0.016012/step Wall: 10.6743, 0.016041/step, 0.00154618 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 454 CPU: 10.5813, 0.015883/step Wall: 10.6911, 0.0167661/step, 0.00161141 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 455 CPU: 10.5973, 0.015984/step Wall: 10.7064, 0.015281/step, 0.00146443 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 456 CPU: 10.6292, 0.031885/step Wall: 10.738, 0.031621/step, 0.00302156 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 457 CPU: 10.6452, 0.015996/step Wall: 10.7541, 0.0161591/step, 0.0015396 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 458 CPU: 10.661, 0.015859/step Wall: 10.7709, 0.016736/step, 0.00158992 hours remaining, 2848.886719 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 459 CPU: 10.6758, 0.014828/step Wall: 10.7848, 0.0139029/step, 0.00131691 hours remaining, 2849.660156 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 460 CPU: 10.7529, 0.077057/step Wall: 10.8629, 0.078141/step, 0.00737998 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 461 CPU: 10.7689, 0.015958/step Wall: 10.8785, 0.0155671/step, 0.0014659 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 462 CPU: 10.7848, 0.015951/step Wall: 10.8954, 0.016891/step, 0.00158588 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 463 CPU: 10.8008, 0.01596/step Wall: 10.9106, 0.0152061/step, 0.00142346 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 464 CPU: 10.8327, 0.031971/step Wall: 10.9432, 0.032563/step, 0.00303921 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 465 CPU: 10.8487, 0.015955/step Wall: 10.9593, 0.016129/step, 0.00150089 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 466 CPU: 10.8647, 0.01596/step Wall: 10.976, 0.016748/step, 0.00155384 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 467 CPU: 10.8812, 0.016512/step Wall: 10.9912, 0.0151889/step, 0.00140498 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 468 CPU: 10.9125, 0.03138/step Wall: 11.0231, 0.0318761/step, 0.00293968 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 469 CPU: 10.9245, 0.011949/step Wall: 11.0374, 0.0143468/step, 0.00131911 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 470 CPU: 10.9444, 0.019947/step Wall: 11.0555, 0.018018/step, 0.00165165 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 471 CPU: 10.9606, 0.016176/step Wall: 11.0712, 0.0157142/step, 0.0014361 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 472 CPU: 10.9923, 0.031721/step Wall: 11.1039, 0.0327089/step, 0.00298014 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 473 CPU: 11.0083, 0.015929/step Wall: 11.118, 0.014106/step, 0.0012813 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 474 CPU: 11.0242, 0.015977/step Wall: 11.1364, 0.018364/step, 0.00166296 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 475 CPU: 11.0411, 0.016901/step Wall: 11.1518, 0.0154171/step, 0.00139182 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 476 CPU: 11.0721, 0.030976/step Wall: 11.185, 0.0332129/step, 0.00298916 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 477 CPU: 11.0921, 0.019963/step Wall: 11.2028, 0.017803/step, 0.00159732 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 478 CPU: 11.108, 0.015938/step Wall: 11.2198, 0.0170081/step, 0.00152128 hours remaining, 2850.175781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 479 CPU: 11.1239, 0.015922/step Wall: 11.2338, 0.0139949/step, 0.00124788 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 480 CPU: 11.1998, 0.075864/step Wall: 11.3125, 0.07867/step, 0.00699289 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 481 CPU: 11.2158, 0.016011/step Wall: 11.3278, 0.015317/step, 0.00135725 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 482 CPU: 11.2318, 0.015937/step Wall: 11.3445, 0.0166762/step, 0.00147306 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 483 CPU: 11.2478, 0.016/step Wall: 11.36, 0.0155749/step, 0.00137146 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 484 CPU: 11.2797, 0.031904/step Wall: 11.3918, 0.0317929/step, 0.00279071 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 485 CPU: 11.2956, 0.015947/step Wall: 11.4079, 0.0161161/step, 0.00141016 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 486 CPU: 11.3116, 0.015953/step Wall: 11.4248, 0.0169029/step, 0.00147431 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 487 CPU: 11.3275, 0.015983/step Wall: 11.4401, 0.015254/step, 0.00132625 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 488 CPU: 11.3595, 0.031949/step Wall: 11.471, 0.0308981/step, 0.00267783 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 489 CPU: 11.3755, 0.015954/step Wall: 11.4864, 0.015451/step, 0.00133479 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 490 CPU: 11.3914, 0.015987/step Wall: 11.5051, 0.018688/step, 0.00160924 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 491 CPU: 11.4093, 0.017896/step Wall: 11.5206, 0.0154929/step, 0.00132981 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 492 CPU: 11.4393, 0.029961/step Wall: 11.552, 0.031378/step, 0.00268456 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 493 CPU: 11.4552, 0.015947/step Wall: 11.5695, 0.017473/step, 0.00149006 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 494 CPU: 11.4751, 0.019848/step Wall: 11.586, 0.016547/step, 0.00140649 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 495 CPU: 11.4897, 0.014612/step Wall: 11.6013, 0.0152881/step, 0.00129524 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 496 CPU: 11.519, 0.029284/step Wall: 11.6332, 0.031919/step, 0.00269538 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 497 CPU: 11.539, 0.019977/step Wall: 11.6498, 0.0165949/step, 0.00139674 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 498 CPU: 11.5549, 0.015933/step Wall: 11.6663, 0.0165141/step, 0.00138535 hours remaining, 2850.949219 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 499 CPU: 11.5692, 0.014259/step Wall: 11.6802, 0.0138521/step, 0.00115819 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. Info: Benchmark time: 40 CPUs 0.0222782 s/step 0.25785 days/ns 2851.46 MB memory TIMING: 500 CPU: 11.6418, 0.072665/step Wall: 11.7528, 0.07265/step, 0.00605416 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 501 CPU: 11.6547, 0.012891/step Wall: 11.7686, 0.0157609/step, 0.00130903 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 502 CPU: 11.6706, 0.01587/step Wall: 11.7855, 0.01687/step, 0.00139646 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 503 CPU: 11.6885, 0.017908/step Wall: 11.8007, 0.015274/step, 0.00126011 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 504 CPU: 11.7185, 0.029972/step Wall: 11.8327, 0.031956/step, 0.00262749 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 505 CPU: 11.7344, 0.015957/step Wall: 11.8488, 0.0161409/step, 0.00132266 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 506 CPU: 11.7504, 0.015959/step Wall: 11.8654, 0.0165911/step, 0.00135494 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 507 CPU: 11.7681, 0.017762/step Wall: 11.8805, 0.01508/step, 0.00122734 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 508 CPU: 11.7983, 0.030125/step Wall: 11.9125, 0.0319841/step, 0.00259427 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 509 CPU: 11.8142, 0.015932/step Wall: 11.929, 0.016525/step, 0.00133577 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 510 CPU: 11.8301, 0.015935/step Wall: 11.9454, 0.0164199/step, 0.00132271 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 511 CPU: 11.8461, 0.015969/step Wall: 11.9614, 0.0159612/step, 0.00128133 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 512 CPU: 11.882, 0.035896/step Wall: 11.9943, 0.0328498/step, 0.00262798 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 513 CPU: 11.8979, 0.015948/step Wall: 12.0104, 0.0161231/step, 0.00128537 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 514 CPU: 11.9139, 0.015938/step Wall: 12.0271, 0.0167069/step, 0.00132727 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 515 CPU: 11.9298, 0.015953/step Wall: 12.0425, 0.0154061/step, 0.00121965 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 516 CPU: 11.9617, 0.031897/step Wall: 12.0743, 0.0318079/step, 0.00250929 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 517 CPU: 11.9777, 0.015956/step Wall: 12.0906, 0.016293/step, 0.00128081 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 518 CPU: 11.9936, 0.01594/step Wall: 12.1076, 0.017004/step, 0.00133198 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 519 CPU: 12.0091, 0.015456/step Wall: 12.1215, 0.013907/step, 0.00108552 hours remaining, 2851.464844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 520 CPU: 12.0854, 0.07632/step Wall: 12.1996, 0.078099/step, 0.00607437 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 521 CPU: 12.1014, 0.015982/step Wall: 12.2147, 0.0151/step, 0.00117025 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 522 CPU: 12.1173, 0.015941/step Wall: 12.2317, 0.016968/step, 0.00131031 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 523 CPU: 12.1333, 0.015989/step Wall: 12.2468, 0.015146/step, 0.0011654 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 524 CPU: 12.1653, 0.031944/step Wall: 12.2815, 0.0346899/step, 0.00265956 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 525 CPU: 12.1852, 0.019975/step Wall: 12.2981, 0.0165701/step, 0.00126577 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 526 CPU: 12.2011, 0.015914/step Wall: 12.3147, 0.016602/step, 0.0012636 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 527 CPU: 12.2171, 0.01595/step Wall: 12.3304, 0.015763/step, 0.00119536 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 528 CPU: 12.249, 0.03193/step Wall: 12.3631, 0.0326219/step, 0.00246476 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 529 CPU: 12.261, 0.011985/step Wall: 12.3774, 0.0143771/step, 0.00108228 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 530 CPU: 12.2809, 0.019935/step Wall: 12.3961, 0.0186629/step, 0.00139972 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 531 CPU: 12.2991, 0.018117/step Wall: 12.4119, 0.0157671/step, 0.00117815 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 532 CPU: 12.3288, 0.029777/step Wall: 12.4444, 0.0325658/step, 0.00242435 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 533 CPU: 12.3448, 0.015955/step Wall: 12.461, 0.0165331/step, 0.00122621 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 534 CPU: 12.3647, 0.019904/step Wall: 12.478, 0.01703/step, 0.00125833 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 535 CPU: 12.3767, 0.011967/step Wall: 12.4932, 0.0152309/step, 0.00112116 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 536 CPU: 12.4126, 0.035908/step Wall: 12.5262, 0.032933/step, 0.00241509 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 537 CPU: 12.4245, 0.011966/step Wall: 12.5405, 0.0143781/step, 0.0010504 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 538 CPU: 12.4445, 0.019974/step Wall: 12.5589, 0.0184021/step, 0.00133926 hours remaining, 2851.722656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 539 CPU: 12.4595, 0.015014/step Wall: 12.5729, 0.0139289/step, 0.00100984 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 540 CPU: 12.5324, 0.072826/step Wall: 12.6486, 0.0757329/step, 0.0054696 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 541 CPU: 12.5483, 0.01598/step Wall: 12.6642, 0.0156/step, 0.00112233 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 542 CPU: 12.5643, 0.01595/step Wall: 12.681, 0.016809/step, 0.00120464 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 543 CPU: 12.5803, 0.01598/step Wall: 12.6965, 0.0154481/step, 0.00110282 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 544 CPU: 12.6122, 0.031937/step Wall: 12.7284, 0.031909/step, 0.00226908 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 545 CPU: 12.6321, 0.01994/step Wall: 12.7465, 0.018091/step, 0.00128144 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 546 CPU: 12.648, 0.015905/step Wall: 12.763, 0.016506/step, 0.00116459 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 547 CPU: 12.664, 0.015971/step Wall: 12.7787, 0.0157032/step, 0.00110359 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 548 CPU: 12.696, 0.031944/step Wall: 12.8113, 0.032629/step, 0.00228403 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 549 CPU: 12.7119, 0.015908/step Wall: 12.8289, 0.0175879/step, 0.00122627 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 550 CPU: 12.7278, 0.015956/step Wall: 12.8454, 0.0165019/step, 0.00114597 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 551 CPU: 12.7461, 0.018277/step Wall: 12.8613, 0.0159211/step, 0.00110121 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 552 CPU: 12.7797, 0.033626/step Wall: 12.8944, 0.0331249/step, 0.00228194 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 553 CPU: 12.7917, 0.011967/step Wall: 12.9087, 0.0142879/step, 0.000980312 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 554 CPU: 12.8117, 0.019973/step Wall: 12.927, 0.0182822/step, 0.00124928 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 555 CPU: 12.8276, 0.015958/step Wall: 12.9422, 0.0152149/step, 0.00103546 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 556 CPU: 12.8596, 0.031942/step Wall: 12.9745, 0.0322771/step, 0.00218767 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 557 CPU: 12.8755, 0.015937/step Wall: 12.9908, 0.016315/step, 0.00110126 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 558 CPU: 12.8915, 0.015953/step Wall: 13.0075, 0.0166879/step, 0.0011218 hours remaining, 2852.238281 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 559 CPU: 12.9068, 0.015336/step Wall: 13.0215, 0.0139911/step, 0.000936628 hours remaining, 2852.753906 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 560 CPU: 12.9873, 0.080482/step Wall: 13.1041, 0.0826468/step, 0.00550979 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 561 CPU: 13.0033, 0.015985/step Wall: 13.1193, 0.0151942/step, 0.00100872 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 562 CPU: 13.0192, 0.015941/step Wall: 13.1361, 0.0167248/step, 0.0011057 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 563 CPU: 13.0352, 0.016002/step Wall: 13.1514, 0.015312/step, 0.00100804 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 564 CPU: 13.067, 0.031802/step Wall: 13.1855, 0.0341611/step, 0.00223945 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 565 CPU: 13.083, 0.016003/step Wall: 13.2017, 0.0161271/step, 0.00105274 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 566 CPU: 13.1029, 0.019917/step Wall: 13.2184, 0.0167329/step, 0.00108764 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 567 CPU: 13.1189, 0.015941/step Wall: 13.2338, 0.015404/step, 0.00099698 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 568 CPU: 13.1508, 0.031973/step Wall: 13.267, 0.033191/step, 0.00213897 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 569 CPU: 13.1668, 0.015932/step Wall: 13.2835, 0.016542/step, 0.00106144 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 570 CPU: 13.1826, 0.015875/step Wall: 13.3004, 0.0168362/step, 0.00107564 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 571 CPU: 13.1986, 0.015951/step Wall: 13.3162, 0.0158808/step, 0.0010102 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 572 CPU: 13.2345, 0.035937/step Wall: 13.3506, 0.034333/step, 0.00217442 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 573 CPU: 13.2465, 0.011966/step Wall: 13.3645, 0.0139482/step, 0.000879512 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 574 CPU: 13.2665, 0.019953/step Wall: 13.3834, 0.0188639/step, 0.00118423 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 575 CPU: 13.2824, 0.015993/step Wall: 13.3989, 0.0154829/step, 0.000967681 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 576 CPU: 13.3144, 0.031957/step Wall: 13.4317, 0.032819/step, 0.00204207 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 577 CPU: 13.3304, 0.015946/step Wall: 13.4475, 0.0158451/step, 0.000981513 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 578 CPU: 13.3463, 0.015983/step Wall: 13.4644, 0.0169051/step, 0.00104248 hours remaining, 2853.269531 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 579 CPU: 13.3628, 0.016436/step Wall: 13.4785, 0.0141008/step, 0.000865632 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 580 CPU: 13.4382, 0.075407/step Wall: 13.5544, 0.0758421/step, 0.0046348 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 581 CPU: 13.4502, 0.011976/step Wall: 13.5694, 0.0150299/step, 0.000914319 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 582 CPU: 13.4701, 0.019904/step Wall: 13.5871, 0.0177071/step, 0.00107226 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 583 CPU: 13.4861, 0.01601/step Wall: 13.6023, 0.0151579/step, 0.000913687 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 584 CPU: 13.5179, 0.031863/step Wall: 13.6338, 0.0315499/step, 0.001893 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 585 CPU: 13.5339, 0.01592/step Wall: 13.6512, 0.0173581/step, 0.00103666 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 586 CPU: 13.5498, 0.015917/step Wall: 13.6681, 0.0168781/step, 0.00100331 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 587 CPU: 13.5657, 0.015955/step Wall: 13.6835, 0.0154359/step, 0.000913293 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 588 CPU: 13.5976, 0.031902/step Wall: 13.7158, 0.0323269/step, 0.0019037 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 589 CPU: 13.6136, 0.016001/step Wall: 13.7322, 0.0164139/step, 0.000962039 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 590 CPU: 13.6295, 0.015887/step Wall: 13.7489, 0.0166192/step, 0.000969454 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 591 CPU: 13.6471, 0.017576/step Wall: 13.7644, 0.0155098/step, 0.000900433 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 592 CPU: 13.6774, 0.030331/step Wall: 13.7974, 0.032989/step, 0.00190603 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 593 CPU: 13.6934, 0.015951/step Wall: 13.8135, 0.0161359/step, 0.000927816 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 594 CPU: 13.7133, 0.019893/step Wall: 13.8304, 0.0169361/step, 0.000969119 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 595 CPU: 13.7292, 0.015974/step Wall: 13.8457, 0.0152781/step, 0.000870003 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 596 CPU: 13.7612, 0.031934/step Wall: 13.8797, 0.033978/step, 0.00192542 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 597 CPU: 13.7772, 0.015996/step Wall: 13.8955, 0.0158069/step, 0.000891334 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 598 CPU: 13.7931, 0.015937/step Wall: 13.9123, 0.0167661/step, 0.000940763 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 599 CPU: 13.8093, 0.016242/step Wall: 13.9262, 0.0139859/step, 0.000780878 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. Info: Benchmark time: 40 CPUs 0.0225405 s/step 0.260885 days/ns 2853.53 MB memory TIMING: 600 CPU: 13.8904, 0.08102/step Wall: 14.0073, 0.0810301/step, 0.00450167 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. ENERGY: 600 38047.8845 105103.4878 81878.1355 5061.7513 -4010175.9893 290306.7073 0.0000 0.0000 646692.3889 -2843085.6340 292.8550 -3489778.0229 -2841637.2657 293.0173 -19067.9038 13.2609 10351424.8239 -0.6387 -0.6586 TIMING: 601 CPU: 13.9049, 0.014544/step Wall: 14.022, 0.0147679/step, 0.000816336 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 602 CPU: 13.9208, 0.01589/step Wall: 14.0389, 0.0168102/step, 0.00092456 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 603 CPU: 13.9368, 0.016/step Wall: 14.0542, 0.0153549/step, 0.000840253 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 604 CPU: 13.9687, 0.031881/step Wall: 14.0877, 0.0334861/step, 0.00182313 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 605 CPU: 13.9847, 0.016001/step Wall: 14.104, 0.0163338/step, 0.000884748 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 606 CPU: 14.0006, 0.015933/step Wall: 14.1209, 0.0168231/step, 0.000906576 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 607 CPU: 14.0166, 0.015985/step Wall: 14.1363, 0.0154831/step, 0.000830068 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 608 CPU: 14.0486, 0.03196/step Wall: 14.1689, 0.0325558/step, 0.00173631 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 609 CPU: 14.0645, 0.015957/step Wall: 14.1828, 0.0139561/step, 0.000740447 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 610 CPU: 14.0805, 0.015985/step Wall: 14.2014, 0.018528/step, 0.000977866 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 611 CPU: 14.0965, 0.015951/step Wall: 14.2168, 0.0154419/step, 0.000810699 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 612 CPU: 14.1324, 0.035938/step Wall: 14.2506, 0.033787/step, 0.00176443 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 613 CPU: 14.1483, 0.015939/step Wall: 14.2672, 0.016639/step, 0.000864303 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 614 CPU: 14.1643, 0.015922/step Wall: 14.2836, 0.0163722/step, 0.000845897 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 615 CPU: 14.1802, 0.015958/step Wall: 14.2991, 0.015527/step, 0.000797916 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 616 CPU: 14.2122, 0.031962/step Wall: 14.3329, 0.0338039/step, 0.00172776 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 617 CPU: 14.2281, 0.01596/step Wall: 14.3481, 0.0151069/step, 0.000767935 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 618 CPU: 14.2441, 0.015952/step Wall: 14.3656, 0.0175531/step, 0.000887406 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 619 CPU: 14.2616, 0.01754/step Wall: 14.3795, 0.0139079/step, 0.000699259 hours remaining, 2853.527344 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 620 CPU: 14.3399, 0.078312/step Wall: 14.4578, 0.0782611/step, 0.00391306 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 621 CPU: 14.3519, 0.011993/step Wall: 14.4737, 0.0158758/step, 0.000789381 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 622 CPU: 14.3719, 0.019937/step Wall: 14.4904, 0.0167742/step, 0.00082939 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 623 CPU: 14.3878, 0.01595/step Wall: 14.5058, 0.0154028/step, 0.000757304 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 624 CPU: 14.4198, 0.031953/step Wall: 14.5384, 0.032588/step, 0.00159319 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 625 CPU: 14.4357, 0.015947/step Wall: 14.5552, 0.0167372/step, 0.000813615 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 626 CPU: 14.4517, 0.015972/step Wall: 14.5717, 0.0165858/step, 0.000801648 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 627 CPU: 14.4676, 0.015932/step Wall: 14.5873, 0.015532/step, 0.0007464 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 628 CPU: 14.4996, 0.031957/step Wall: 14.6196, 0.0323679/step, 0.00154647 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 629 CPU: 14.5155, 0.015955/step Wall: 14.6361, 0.0164752/step, 0.000782572 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 630 CPU: 14.5315, 0.015995/step Wall: 14.6528, 0.0167308/step, 0.000790065 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 631 CPU: 14.5475, 0.015956/step Wall: 14.6684, 0.0155182/step, 0.000728493 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 632 CPU: 14.5834, 0.035924/step Wall: 14.7019, 0.0334969/step, 0.00156319 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 633 CPU: 14.5994, 0.016016/step Wall: 14.7179, 0.016062/step, 0.000745099 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 634 CPU: 14.6153, 0.015921/step Wall: 14.7346, 0.016659/step, 0.000768166 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 635 CPU: 14.6313, 0.015951/step Wall: 14.7501, 0.0155029/step, 0.000710551 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 636 CPU: 14.6633, 0.031958/step Wall: 14.7839, 0.0337741/step, 0.0015386 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 637 CPU: 14.6792, 0.015952/step Wall: 14.8001, 0.016212/step, 0.000734043 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 638 CPU: 14.6952, 0.015969/step Wall: 14.817, 0.016891/step, 0.000760095 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 639 CPU: 14.7122, 0.017009/step Wall: 14.8312, 0.01421/step, 0.000635502 hours remaining, 2854.300781 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 640 CPU: 14.783, 0.070818/step Wall: 14.9042, 0.073055/step, 0.00324689 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 641 CPU: 14.799, 0.015971/step Wall: 14.9199, 0.0156291/step, 0.000690283 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 642 CPU: 14.815, 0.015992/step Wall: 14.9367, 0.016855/step, 0.000739747 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 643 CPU: 14.8339, 0.018944/step Wall: 14.9528, 0.0160499/step, 0.000699952 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 644 CPU: 14.8668, 0.032916/step Wall: 14.9869, 0.034138/step, 0.00147931 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 645 CPU: 14.8828, 0.016007/step Wall: 15.0029, 0.016042/step, 0.000690697 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 646 CPU: 14.8987, 0.015877/step Wall: 15.0198, 0.016861/step, 0.000721274 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 647 CPU: 14.9147, 0.016001/step Wall: 15.0351, 0.0152731/step, 0.000649107 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 648 CPU: 14.9466, 0.031867/step Wall: 15.0658, 0.030772/step, 0.00129926 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 649 CPU: 14.9626, 0.015998/step Wall: 15.0834, 0.0175869/step, 0.000737675 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 650 CPU: 14.9785, 0.015929/step Wall: 15.1001, 0.0167091/step, 0.000696212 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 651 CPU: 14.9945, 0.016009/step Wall: 15.1157, 0.015568/step, 0.000644343 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 652 CPU: 15.0264, 0.031934/step Wall: 15.147, 0.0313101/step, 0.00128719 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 653 CPU: 15.0424, 0.015955/step Wall: 15.1645, 0.0175128/step, 0.000715106 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 654 CPU: 15.0583, 0.015876/step Wall: 15.1812, 0.0166771/step, 0.000676351 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 655 CPU: 15.0764, 0.018141/step Wall: 15.197, 0.0157809/step, 0.000635621 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 656 CPU: 15.1062, 0.029794/step Wall: 15.2289, 0.0319049/step, 0.0012762 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 657 CPU: 15.1222, 0.015949/step Wall: 15.2453, 0.0164452/step, 0.000653238 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 658 CPU: 15.142, 0.01984/step Wall: 15.2622, 0.01687/step, 0.000665429 hours remaining, 2854.816406 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 659 CPU: 15.156, 0.014015/step Wall: 15.2763, 0.014118/step, 0.000552953 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 660 CPU: 15.2297, 0.073676/step Wall: 15.351, 0.074646/step, 0.0029029 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 661 CPU: 15.2456, 0.015956/step Wall: 15.3667, 0.0156801/step, 0.000605425 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 662 CPU: 15.2616, 0.01596/step Wall: 15.3834, 0.016742/step, 0.000641776 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 663 CPU: 15.2776, 0.015986/step Wall: 15.399, 0.0155759/step, 0.000592749 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 664 CPU: 15.3095, 0.031943/step Wall: 15.4334, 0.0344071/step, 0.00129983 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 665 CPU: 15.3255, 0.01595/step Wall: 15.4496, 0.0162029/step, 0.00060761 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 666 CPU: 15.3454, 0.019955/step Wall: 15.4664, 0.016845/step, 0.000627008 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 667 CPU: 15.3614, 0.015961/step Wall: 15.4817, 0.0152409/step, 0.000563067 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 668 CPU: 15.3893, 0.027908/step Wall: 15.5134, 0.031734/step, 0.00116358 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 669 CPU: 15.4053, 0.015998/step Wall: 15.5277, 0.0143192/step, 0.000521059 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 670 CPU: 15.4252, 0.019926/step Wall: 15.5468, 0.0191159/step, 0.000690297 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 671 CPU: 15.4412, 0.015992/step Wall: 15.5623, 0.01546/step, 0.000553984 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 672 CPU: 15.4732, 0.031945/step Wall: 15.5951, 0.03282/step, 0.00116693 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 673 CPU: 15.4851, 0.011959/step Wall: 15.6091, 0.0139611/step, 0.000492516 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 674 CPU: 15.5051, 0.019968/step Wall: 15.6276, 0.0184848/step, 0.000646969 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 675 CPU: 15.5213, 0.016154/step Wall: 15.643, 0.0153852/step, 0.000534207 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 676 CPU: 15.553, 0.031749/step Wall: 15.6756, 0.0326788/step, 0.0011256 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 677 CPU: 15.569, 0.015963/step Wall: 15.6915, 0.015842/step, 0.000541267 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 678 CPU: 15.589, 0.019985/step Wall: 15.7098, 0.0183301/step, 0.000621187 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 679 CPU: 15.6026, 0.013659/step Wall: 15.7238, 0.0139611/step, 0.000469247 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 680 CPU: 15.6728, 0.070175/step Wall: 15.7963, 0.0725539/step, 0.00241846 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 681 CPU: 15.6887, 0.015959/step Wall: 15.812, 0.0156651/step, 0.000517817 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 682 CPU: 15.7047, 0.015984/step Wall: 15.8294, 0.0174401/step, 0.000571647 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 683 CPU: 15.7206, 0.015895/step Wall: 15.8449, 0.0154328/step, 0.000501567 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 684 CPU: 15.7526, 0.031975/step Wall: 15.8765, 0.031626/step, 0.00101906 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 685 CPU: 15.7726, 0.019962/step Wall: 15.8937, 0.0172582/step, 0.000551303 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 686 CPU: 15.7885, 0.015922/step Wall: 15.9103, 0.0165989/step, 0.000525633 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 687 CPU: 15.8005, 0.011976/step Wall: 15.9256, 0.0152149/step, 0.000477579 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 688 CPU: 15.8364, 0.035936/step Wall: 15.9597, 0.0341611/step, 0.00106279 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 689 CPU: 15.8524, 0.015989/step Wall: 15.9756, 0.015907/step, 0.000490467 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 690 CPU: 15.8683, 0.015941/step Wall: 15.9924, 0.016748/step, 0.000511743 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 691 CPU: 15.8855, 0.017219/step Wall: 16.008, 0.015588/step, 0.000471971 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 692 CPU: 15.9202, 0.034661/step Wall: 16.0425, 0.0344958/step, 0.00103487 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 693 CPU: 15.9362, 0.015982/step Wall: 16.0583, 0.015882/step, 0.000472049 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 694 CPU: 15.9522, 0.015967/step Wall: 16.0752, 0.016839/step, 0.000495816 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 695 CPU: 15.9681, 0.015952/step Wall: 16.0906, 0.0154531/step, 0.000450715 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 696 CPU: 16, 0.03187/step Wall: 16.1225, 0.0318789/step, 0.000920947 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 697 CPU: 16.0119, 0.01196/step Wall: 16.1369, 0.0143969/step, 0.000411911 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 698 CPU: 16.0319, 0.019952/step Wall: 16.1555, 0.0185881/step, 0.000526662 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 699 CPU: 16.0473, 0.015437/step Wall: 16.1696, 0.014066/step, 0.000394629 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. Info: Benchmark time: 40 CPUs 0.0223842 s/step 0.259077 days/ns 2855.59 MB memory TIMING: 700 CPU: 16.1238, 0.076434/step Wall: 16.2458, 0.076268/step, 0.00211855 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 701 CPU: 16.1357, 0.011901/step Wall: 16.2612, 0.015352/step, 0.00042218 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 702 CPU: 16.1555, 0.019873/step Wall: 16.2781, 0.0169451/step, 0.000461284 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 703 CPU: 16.1712, 0.015688/step Wall: 16.2935, 0.0153401/step, 0.00041333 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 704 CPU: 16.2034, 0.032166/step Wall: 16.3266, 0.0331419/step, 0.000883783 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 705 CPU: 16.2193, 0.015945/step Wall: 16.3431, 0.0164931/step, 0.000435234 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 706 CPU: 16.2353, 0.015964/step Wall: 16.36, 0.0169508/step, 0.000442605 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 707 CPU: 16.2518, 0.016554/step Wall: 16.3753, 0.0152051/step, 0.0003928 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 708 CPU: 16.2832, 0.031344/step Wall: 16.4061, 0.0308559/step, 0.00078854 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 709 CPU: 16.2951, 0.011951/step Wall: 16.4216, 0.015518/step, 0.000392259 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 710 CPU: 16.3151, 0.019944/step Wall: 16.4398, 0.0182221/step, 0.000455552 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 711 CPU: 16.331, 0.015951/step Wall: 16.4553, 0.0154781/step, 0.000382654 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 712 CPU: 16.3629, 0.031897/step Wall: 16.4886, 0.0332539/step, 0.000812873 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 713 CPU: 16.3789, 0.015984/step Wall: 16.5046, 0.0160229/step, 0.000387221 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 714 CPU: 16.3947, 0.015788/step Wall: 16.5216, 0.016952/step, 0.000404965 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 715 CPU: 16.4107, 0.015984/step Wall: 16.5368, 0.015219/step, 0.000359337 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 716 CPU: 16.4426, 0.031957/step Wall: 16.5692, 0.0324562/step, 0.00075731 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 717 CPU: 16.4586, 0.015956/step Wall: 16.5855, 0.0162258/step, 0.000374095 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 718 CPU: 16.4786, 0.019975/step Wall: 16.604, 0.018517/step, 0.000421777 hours remaining, 2855.589844 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 719 CPU: 16.4945, 0.015964/step Wall: 16.6178, 0.0138221/step, 0.000310997 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 720 CPU: 16.5665, 0.071919/step Wall: 16.6906, 0.0728269/step, 0.00161837 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 721 CPU: 16.5824, 0.015946/step Wall: 16.7066, 0.016011/step, 0.000351352 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 722 CPU: 16.5984, 0.015964/step Wall: 16.7234, 0.0167582/step, 0.000363094 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 723 CPU: 16.6143, 0.015964/step Wall: 16.7389, 0.015553/step, 0.000332661 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 724 CPU: 16.6463, 0.031929/step Wall: 16.7722, 0.033299/step, 0.000702978 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 725 CPU: 16.6622, 0.01596/step Wall: 16.7882, 0.015913/step, 0.000331521 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 726 CPU: 16.6782, 0.015992/step Wall: 16.8048, 0.016691/step, 0.000343092 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 727 CPU: 16.6942, 0.015973/step Wall: 16.8202, 0.015377/step, 0.000311812 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 728 CPU: 16.7261, 0.031909/step Wall: 16.8531, 0.032881/step, 0.00065762 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 729 CPU: 16.746, 0.019915/step Wall: 16.8707, 0.01757/step, 0.00034652 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 730 CPU: 16.762, 0.015936/step Wall: 16.8877, 0.0170069/step, 0.000330689 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 731 CPU: 16.7797, 0.017796/step Wall: 16.9036, 0.0158689/step, 0.000304154 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 732 CPU: 16.8138, 0.03409/step Wall: 16.9377, 0.034173/step, 0.00064549 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 733 CPU: 16.8258, 0.011989/step Wall: 16.9534, 0.0156391/step, 0.00029106 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 734 CPU: 16.8458, 0.019949/step Wall: 16.9701, 0.016722/step, 0.000306569 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 735 CPU: 16.8577, 0.011955/step Wall: 16.9854, 0.0152662/step, 0.000275639 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 736 CPU: 16.8897, 0.031951/step Wall: 17.0164, 0.0310619/step, 0.000552211 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 737 CPU: 16.9056, 0.015956/step Wall: 17.0319, 0.015522/step, 0.000271635 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 738 CPU: 16.9256, 0.019972/step Wall: 17.05, 0.0181029/step, 0.000311772 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 739 CPU: 16.9395, 0.013896/step Wall: 17.0642, 0.0141392/step, 0.00023958 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 740 CPU: 17.0174, 0.077883/step Wall: 17.1443, 0.0801699/step, 0.00133617 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 741 CPU: 17.0334, 0.015992/step Wall: 17.1595, 0.0151801/step, 0.000248785 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 742 CPU: 17.0493, 0.015944/step Wall: 17.177, 0.0174499/step, 0.000281137 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 743 CPU: 17.0653, 0.016002/step Wall: 17.1928, 0.0158131/step, 0.000250374 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 744 CPU: 17.0972, 0.031894/step Wall: 17.2252, 0.0323889/step, 0.000503828 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 745 CPU: 17.1132, 0.016/step Wall: 17.2408, 0.0156219/step, 0.000238668 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 746 CPU: 17.1331, 0.019925/step Wall: 17.2595, 0.0187292/step, 0.000280938 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 747 CPU: 17.1491, 0.015963/step Wall: 17.275, 0.0154929/step, 0.00022809 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 748 CPU: 17.1808, 0.031742/step Wall: 17.3065, 0.0314519/step, 0.000454306 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 749 CPU: 17.1968, 0.015954/step Wall: 17.3223, 0.015842/step, 0.000224428 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 750 CPU: 17.2128, 0.015989/step Wall: 17.3412, 0.0188532/step, 0.00026185 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 751 CPU: 17.2287, 0.015956/step Wall: 17.3567, 0.015558/step, 0.000211762 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 752 CPU: 17.2647, 0.03593/step Wall: 17.3902, 0.0335069/step, 0.000446758 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 753 CPU: 17.2806, 0.015929/step Wall: 17.4067, 0.0164411/step, 0.000214648 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 754 CPU: 17.2965, 0.015938/step Wall: 17.4224, 0.0157459/step, 0.000201197 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 755 CPU: 17.3125, 0.015958/step Wall: 17.4379, 0.015523/step, 0.000194037 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 756 CPU: 17.3445, 0.031963/step Wall: 17.4704, 0.0324841/step, 0.000397027 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 757 CPU: 17.3604, 0.015893/step Wall: 17.487, 0.016618/step, 0.000198493 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 758 CPU: 17.3762, 0.015868/step Wall: 17.504, 0.0169821/step, 0.000198124 hours remaining, 2855.847656 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 759 CPU: 17.3923, 0.016089/step Wall: 17.5181, 0.0140319/step, 0.000159808 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 760 CPU: 17.468, 0.075637/step Wall: 17.596, 0.0779221/step, 0.000865801 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 761 CPU: 17.4839, 0.01597/step Wall: 17.6105, 0.014509/step, 0.00015718 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 762 CPU: 17.4998, 0.015911/step Wall: 17.6282, 0.017684/step, 0.000186664 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 763 CPU: 17.5158, 0.01597/step Wall: 17.6437, 0.015553/step, 0.00015985 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 764 CPU: 17.5478, 0.031947/step Wall: 17.6767, 0.032923/step, 0.00032923 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 765 CPU: 17.5637, 0.01595/step Wall: 17.6928, 0.0161819/step, 0.000157324 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 766 CPU: 17.5836, 0.019932/step Wall: 17.7097, 0.01687/step, 0.000159328 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 767 CPU: 17.5956, 0.011971/step Wall: 17.725, 0.0152631/step, 0.000139912 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 768 CPU: 17.6275, 0.031942/step Wall: 17.7573, 0.032372/step, 0.000287751 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 769 CPU: 17.6475, 0.01995/step Wall: 17.7741, 0.016711/step, 0.0001439 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 770 CPU: 17.6634, 0.015945/step Wall: 17.7912, 0.0171061/step, 0.00014255 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 771 CPU: 17.6807, 0.017279/step Wall: 17.807, 0.0158699/step, 0.000127841 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 772 CPU: 17.7114, 0.030649/step Wall: 17.8412, 0.0341511/step, 0.000265619 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 773 CPU: 17.7273, 0.015947/step Wall: 17.857, 0.015789/step, 0.000118418 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 774 CPU: 17.7473, 0.019947/step Wall: 17.8739, 0.016885/step, 0.000121948 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 775 CPU: 17.7617, 0.014482/step Wall: 17.8892, 0.0153039/step, 0.000106277 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 776 CPU: 17.7951, 0.033392/step Wall: 17.9218, 0.032655/step, 0.0002177 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 777 CPU: 17.8111, 0.016005/step Wall: 17.9382, 0.0163941/step, 0.00010474 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 778 CPU: 17.8271, 0.015921/step Wall: 17.9547, 0.0165069/step, 0.000100876 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 779 CPU: 17.842, 0.014887/step Wall: 17.9689, 0.014164/step, 8.26232e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 780 CPU: 17.9149, 0.072966/step Wall: 18.0431, 0.0742211/step, 0.00041234 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 781 CPU: 17.9309, 0.016016/step Wall: 18.0589, 0.0158038/step, 8.3409e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 782 CPU: 17.9468, 0.015895/step Wall: 18.0757, 0.016768/step, 8.38399e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 783 CPU: 17.9628, 0.015956/step Wall: 18.0914, 0.0157511/step, 7.43803e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 784 CPU: 17.9947, 0.031927/step Wall: 18.1251, 0.0336361/step, 0.000149494 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 785 CPU: 18.0107, 0.015958/step Wall: 18.1414, 0.0163279/step, 6.80327e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 786 CPU: 18.0305, 0.01985/step Wall: 18.1583, 0.0168841/step, 6.56603e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 787 CPU: 18.0465, 0.015981/step Wall: 18.1738, 0.015486/step, 5.59217e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 788 CPU: 18.0785, 0.031967/step Wall: 18.2084, 0.0346849/step, 0.000115616 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 789 CPU: 18.0944, 0.015954/step Wall: 18.2242, 0.0157909/step, 4.82501e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 790 CPU: 18.1104, 0.015971/step Wall: 18.2414, 0.0171261/step, 4.75725e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 791 CPU: 18.1263, 0.015955/step Wall: 18.257, 0.0156391/step, 3.90977e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 792 CPU: 18.1583, 0.031904/step Wall: 18.2885, 0.0315089/step, 7.00198e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 793 CPU: 18.1782, 0.019973/step Wall: 18.3062, 0.0177062/step, 3.44286e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 794 CPU: 18.1941, 0.015887/step Wall: 18.3231, 0.016881/step, 2.8135e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 795 CPU: 18.2101, 0.015961/step Wall: 18.3385, 0.0153608/step, 2.13345e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 796 CPU: 18.242, 0.031945/step Wall: 18.3701, 0.0316/step, 3.51111e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 797 CPU: 18.254, 0.01198/step Wall: 18.3842, 0.0141001/step, 1.17501e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 798 CPU: 18.2739, 0.019925/step Wall: 18.4027, 0.0185649/step, 1.03139e-05 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. TIMING: 799 CPU: 18.2886, 0.01468/step Wall: 18.4168, 0.014127/step, 3.92417e-06 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. Info: Benchmark time: 40 CPUs 0.0224487 s/step 0.259823 days/ns 2856.11 MB memory TIMING: 800 CPU: 18.3628, 0.074232/step Wall: 18.4908, 0.0739741/step, 0 hours remaining, 2856.105469 MB of memory in use. ENERGY: 800 38433.6034 105650.9622 81795.9292 5058.2905 -4004491.6985 289521.0899 0.0000 0.0000 648113.8445 -2835917.9788 293.4987 -3484031.8233 -2834485.6678 293.8761 -18978.0878 74.1529 10350209.2477 2.6673 2.4349 WRITING EXTENDED SYSTEM TO OUTPUT FILE AT STEP 800 WRITING COORDINATES TO OUTPUT FILE AT STEP 800 WRITING VELOCITIES TO OUTPUT FILE AT STEP 800 The last position output (seq=-2) takes 0.012 seconds(file I/O: 0.008 secs), 3082.523 MB of memory in use The last velocity output (seq=-2) takes 0.015 seconds(file I/O: 0.007 secs), 3082.523 MB of memory in use ==================================================== WallClock: 23.696308 CPUTime: 23.133324 Memory: 3082.523438 MB [Partition 0][Node 0] End of program chibi@leap:~> cat /etc/os-release NAME="openSUSE Leap" VERSION="15.3" ID="opensuse-leap" ID_LIKE="suse opensuse" VERSION_ID="15.3" PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.3" ANSI_COLOR="0;32" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:leap:15.3" BUG_REPORT_URL="" HOME_URL="" chibi@leap:~> nvcc -V nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2021 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Thu_Nov_18_09:45:30_PST_2021 Cuda compilation tools, release 11.5, V11.5.119 Build cuda_11.5.r11.5/compiler.30672275_0 chibi@leap:~> sudo nvme list Node SN Model Namespace Usage Format FW Rev ---------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- -------- /dev/nvme0n1 P02921104388 PLEXTOR PX-256M9PeG 1 256.06 GB / 256.06 GB 512 B + 0 B 1.07 chibi@leap:~> sudo nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1 Smart Log for NVME device:nvme0n1 namespace-id:ffffffff critical_warning : 0 temperature : 36 C available_spare : 100% available_spare_threshold : 0% percentage_used : 0% endurance group critical warning summary: 0 data_units_read : 1,536,813 data_units_written : 4,206,930 host_read_commands : 26,195,164 host_write_commands : 37,419,789 controller_busy_time : 1,649 power_cycles : 242 power_on_hours : 74 unsafe_shutdowns : 110 media_errors : 0 num_err_log_entries : 0 Warning Temperature Time : 0 Critical Composite Temperature Time : 0 Temperature Sensor 1 : 36 C Thermal Management T1 Trans Count : 0 Thermal Management T2 Trans Count : 0 Thermal Management T1 Total Time : 0 Thermal Management T2 Total Time : 0 chibi@leap:~> sensors ucsi_source_psy_8_00081-i2c-8-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) ucsi_source_psy_5_00081-i2c-5-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) i350bb-pci-4200 Adapter: PCI adapter loc1: +43.0°C (high = +120.0°C, crit = +110.0°C) nvme-pci-0200 Adapter: PCI adapter Composite: +35.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +82.8°C) (crit = +84.8°C) Sensor 1: +35.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C) ucsi_source_psy_7_00081-i2c-7-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) ucsi_source_psy_1_00081-i2c-1-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter Tdie: +30.0°C Tctl: +30.0°C Tccd1: +28.2°C Tccd3: +28.5°C Tccd5: +29.2°C Tccd7: +29.5°C chibi@leap:~> sudo nvidia-smi Sun Dec 5 09:00:54 2021 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 495.29.05 Driver Version: 495.29.05 CUDA Version: 11.5 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce ... Off | 00000000:01:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 32C P8 18W / 260W | 1MiB / 11019MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 1 NVIDIA GeForce ... Off | 00000000:41:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 29C P8 7W / 260W | 1MiB / 11019MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 2 NVIDIA TITAN RTX Off | 00000000:81:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 32C P8 15W / 280W | 1MiB / 24220MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 3 NVIDIA TITAN RTX Off | 00000000:82:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 32C P8 3W / 280W | 465MiB / 24212MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | 3 N/A N/A 3605 G /usr/bin/X 105MiB | | 3 N/A N/A 3703 G /usr/bin/gnome-shell 357MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ chibi@leap:~> lsmem RANGE SIZE STATE REMOVABLE BLOCK 0x0000000000000000-0x00000000afffffff 2.8G オンライン yes 0-21 0x0000000100000000-0x000000204fffffff 125.3G オンライン yes 32-1033 メモリブロックサイズ 128M Total online memory: 128G Total offline memory: 0B chibi@leap:~> lscpu アーキテクチャ: x86_64 CPU 操作モード: 32-bit, 64-bit バイト順序: Little Endian Address sizes: 43 bits physical, 48 bits virtual CPU: 64 オンラインになっている CPU のリスト: 0-63 コアあたりのスレッド数: 2 ソケットあたりのコア数: 32 ソケット数: 1 NUMA ノード数: 1 ベンダー ID: AuthenticAMD CPU ファミリー: 23 モデル: 49 モデル名: AMD EPYC 7502P 32-Core Processor ステッピング: 0 Frequency boost: enabled CPU MHz: 1402.788 CPU 最大 MHz: 2500.0000 CPU 最小 MHz: 1500.0000 BogoMIPS: 4990.95 仮想化: AMD-V L1d キャッシュ: 1 MiB L1i キャッシュ: 1 MiB L2 キャッシュ: 16 MiB L3 キャッシュ: 128 MiB NUMA ノード 0 CPU: 0-63 Vulnerability Itlb multihit: Not affected Vulnerability L1tf: Not affected Vulnerability Mds: Not affected Vulnerability Meltdown: Not affected Vulnerability Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabl ed via prctl and seccomp Vulnerability Spectre v1: Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __ user pointer sanitization Vulnerability Spectre v2: Mitigation; Full AMD retpoline, IBPB condit ional, IBRS_FW, STIBP conditional, RSB fill ing Vulnerability Srbds: Not affected Vulnerability Tsx async abort: Not affected フラグ: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fx sr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt p dpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc cpuid extd_apicid aperfmperf p ni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movbe popcnt aes xsave avx f16c rdra nd lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legac y abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs skinit wdt tce topoext perfctr_core per fctr_nb bpext perfctr_llc mwaitx cpb cat_l3 cdp_l3 hw_pstate sme ssbd mba sev ibrs ibp b stibp vmmcall sev_es fsgsbase bmi1 avx2 s mep bmi2 cqm rdt_a rdseed adx smap clflusho pt clwb sha_ni xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsav es cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc cqm_mbm_total cqm_ mbm_local clzero irperf xsaveerptr wbnoinvd arat npt lbrv svm_lock nrip_save tsc_scale vmcb_clean flushbyasid decodeassists pause filter pfthreshold avic v_vmsave_vmload vgi f umip rdpid overflow_recov succor smca chibi@leap:~> lstopo Machine (126GB total) Package L#0 NUMANode L#0 (P#0 126GB) L3 L#0 (16MB) L2 L#0 (512KB) + L1d L#0 (32KB) + L1i L#0 (32KB) + Core L#0 PU L#0 (P#0) PU L#1 (P#32) L2 L#1 (512KB) + L1d L#1 (32KB) + L1i L#1 (32KB) + Core L#1 PU L#2 (P#1) PU L#3 (P#33) L2 L#2 (512KB) + L1d L#2 (32KB) + L1i L#2 (32KB) + Core L#2 PU L#4 (P#2) PU L#5 (P#34) L2 L#3 (512KB) + L1d L#3 (32KB) + L1i L#3 (32KB) + Core L#3 PU L#6 (P#3) PU L#7 (P#35) L3 L#1 (16MB) L2 L#4 (512KB) + L1d L#4 (32KB) + L1i L#4 (32KB) + Core L#4 PU L#8 (P#4) PU L#9 (P#36) L2 L#5 (512KB) + L1d L#5 (32KB) + L1i L#5 (32KB) + Core L#5 PU L#10 (P#5) PU L#11 (P#37) L2 L#6 (512KB) + L1d L#6 (32KB) + L1i L#6 (32KB) + Core L#6 PU L#12 (P#6) PU L#13 (P#38) L2 L#7 (512KB) + L1d L#7 (32KB) + L1i L#7 (32KB) + Core L#7 PU L#14 (P#7) PU L#15 (P#39) L3 L#2 (16MB) L2 L#8 (512KB) + L1d L#8 (32KB) + L1i L#8 (32KB) + Core L#8 PU L#16 (P#8) PU L#17 (P#40) L2 L#9 (512KB) + L1d L#9 (32KB) + L1i L#9 (32KB) + Core L#9 PU L#18 (P#9) PU L#19 (P#41) L2 L#10 (512KB) + L1d L#10 (32KB) + L1i L#10 (32KB) + Core L#10 PU L#20 (P#10) PU L#21 (P#42) L2 L#11 (512KB) + L1d L#11 (32KB) + L1i L#11 (32KB) + Core L#11 PU L#22 (P#11) PU L#23 (P#43) L3 L#3 (16MB) L2 L#12 (512KB) + L1d L#12 (32KB) + L1i L#12 (32KB) + Core L#12 PU L#24 (P#12) PU L#25 (P#44) L2 L#13 (512KB) + L1d L#13 (32KB) + L1i L#13 (32KB) + Core L#13 PU L#26 (P#13) PU L#27 (P#45) L2 L#14 (512KB) + L1d L#14 (32KB) + L1i L#14 (32KB) + Core L#14 PU L#28 (P#14) PU L#29 (P#46) L2 L#15 (512KB) + L1d L#15 (32KB) + L1i L#15 (32KB) + Core L#15 PU L#30 (P#15) PU L#31 (P#47) L3 L#4 (16MB) L2 L#16 (512KB) + L1d L#16 (32KB) + L1i L#16 (32KB) + Core L#16 PU L#32 (P#16) PU L#33 (P#48) L2 L#17 (512KB) + L1d L#17 (32KB) + L1i L#17 (32KB) + Core L#17 PU L#34 (P#17) PU L#35 (P#49) L2 L#18 (512KB) + L1d L#18 (32KB) + L1i L#18 (32KB) + Core L#18 PU L#36 (P#18) PU L#37 (P#50) L2 L#19 (512KB) + L1d L#19 (32KB) + L1i L#19 (32KB) + Core L#19 PU L#38 (P#19) PU L#39 (P#51) L3 L#5 (16MB) L2 L#20 (512KB) + L1d L#20 (32KB) + L1i L#20 (32KB) + Core L#20 PU L#40 (P#20) PU L#41 (P#52) L2 L#21 (512KB) + L1d L#21 (32KB) + L1i L#21 (32KB) + Core L#21 PU L#42 (P#21) PU L#43 (P#53) L2 L#22 (512KB) + L1d L#22 (32KB) + L1i L#22 (32KB) + Core L#22 PU L#44 (P#22) PU L#45 (P#54) L2 L#23 (512KB) + L1d L#23 (32KB) + L1i L#23 (32KB) + Core L#23 PU L#46 (P#23) PU L#47 (P#55) L3 L#6 (16MB) L2 L#24 (512KB) + L1d L#24 (32KB) + L1i L#24 (32KB) + Core L#24 PU L#48 (P#24) PU L#49 (P#56) L2 L#25 (512KB) + L1d L#25 (32KB) + L1i L#25 (32KB) + Core L#25 PU L#50 (P#25) PU L#51 (P#57) L2 L#26 (512KB) + L1d L#26 (32KB) + L1i L#26 (32KB) + Core L#26 PU L#52 (P#26) PU L#53 (P#58) L2 L#27 (512KB) + L1d L#27 (32KB) + L1i L#27 (32KB) + Core L#27 PU L#54 (P#27) PU L#55 (P#59) L3 L#7 (16MB) L2 L#28 (512KB) + L1d L#28 (32KB) + L1i L#28 (32KB) + Core L#28 PU L#56 (P#28) PU L#57 (P#60) L2 L#29 (512KB) + L1d L#29 (32KB) + L1i L#29 (32KB) + Core L#29 PU L#58 (P#29) PU L#59 (P#61) L2 L#30 (512KB) + L1d L#30 (32KB) + L1i L#30 (32KB) + Core L#30 PU L#60 (P#30) PU L#61 (P#62) L2 L#31 (512KB) + L1d L#31 (32KB) + L1i L#31 (32KB) + Core L#31 PU L#62 (P#31) PU L#63 (P#63) HostBridge PCIBridge PCI 01:00.0 (VGA) PCIBridge PCI 02:00.0 (NVMExp) Block(Disk) "nvme0n1" HostBridge PCIBridge PCI 41:00.0 (VGA) PCIBridge PCI 42:00.0 (Ethernet) Net "eth0" PCI 42:00.1 (Ethernet) Net "eth1" PCIBridge PCI 45:00.0 (SATA) PCIBridge PCI 46:00.0 (SATA) HostBridge PCIBridge PCI 81:00.0 (VGA) PCIBridge PCI 82:00.0 (VGA) PCIBridge PCI 85:00.0 (SATA) PCIBridge PCI 86:00.0 (SATA) HostBridge PCIBridge PCIBridge PCI c2:00.0 (VGA) chibi@leap:~> cat /proc/meminfo MemTotal: 131767788 kB MemFree: 125774756 kB MemAvailable: 129139816 kB Buffers: 3748 kB Cached: 4337976 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 1392656 kB Inactive: 3407064 kB Active(anon): 474140 kB Inactive(anon): 10684 kB Active(file): 918516 kB Inactive(file): 3396380 kB Unevictable: 0 kB Mlocked: 0 kB SwapTotal: 2097472 kB SwapFree: 2097472 kB Dirty: 56 kB Writeback: 0 kB AnonPages: 415872 kB Mapped: 281244 kB Shmem: 27208 kB KReclaimable: 201104 kB Slab: 616276 kB SReclaimable: 201104 kB SUnreclaim: 415172 kB KernelStack: 17328 kB PageTables: 18260 kB NFS_Unstable: 0 kB Bounce: 0 kB WritebackTmp: 0 kB CommitLimit: 67981364 kB Committed_AS: 2986192 kB VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB VmallocUsed: 330728 kB VmallocChunk: 0 kB Percpu: 36352 kB HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB AnonHugePages: 182272 kB ShmemHugePages: 0 kB ShmemPmdMapped: 0 kB CmaTotal: 0 kB CmaFree: 0 kB HugePages_Total: 0 HugePages_Free: 0 HugePages_Rsvd: 0 HugePages_Surp: 0 Hugepagesize: 2048 kB Hugetlb: 0 kB DirectMap4k: 1275216 kB DirectMap2M: 14317568 kB DirectMap1G: 119537664 kB chibi@leap:~> free total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 131767788 1449600 125774992 27208 4543196 129139916 Swap: 2097472 0 2097472 chibi@leap:~> sensors ucsi_source_psy_8_00081-i2c-8-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) ucsi_source_psy_5_00081-i2c-5-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) i350bb-pci-4200 Adapter: PCI adapter loc1: +43.0°C (high = +120.0°C, crit = +110.0°C) nvme-pci-0200 Adapter: PCI adapter Composite: +34.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +82.8°C) (crit = +84.8°C) Sensor 1: +34.9°C (low = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C) ucsi_source_psy_7_00081-i2c-7-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) ucsi_source_psy_1_00081-i2c-1-08 Adapter: NVIDIA GPU I2C adapter in0: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) curr1: +0.00 A (max = +0.00 A) k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter Tdie: +29.0°C Tctl: +29.0°C Tccd1: +27.5°C Tccd3: +27.8°C Tccd5: +28.2°C Tccd7: +28.5°C chibi@leap:~> sudo nvidia-smi Sun Dec 5 09:01:28 2021 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 495.29.05 Driver Version: 495.29.05 CUDA Version: 11.5 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce ... Off | 00000000:01:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 32C P8 19W / 260W | 1MiB / 11019MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 1 NVIDIA GeForce ... Off | 00000000:41:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 29C P8 8W / 260W | 1MiB / 11019MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 2 NVIDIA TITAN RTX Off | 00000000:81:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 31C P8 15W / 280W | 1MiB / 24220MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | 3 NVIDIA TITAN RTX Off | 00000000:82:00.0 Off | N/A | | 41% 31C P8 3W / 280W | 465MiB / 24212MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | 3 N/A N/A 3605 G /usr/bin/X 105MiB | | 3 N/A N/A 3703 G /usr/bin/gnome-shell 357MiB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ chibi@leap:~>